
17,199 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.55cph!

1 Hour Ago
Add some gizmo handles for VR components
5 Hours Ago
Make Component.Reset() reset its PropertyAttribute marked properties
6 Hours Ago
Return old studio lighting scene
Fix typo, not meant to pass high precision offset to fog, just direct position
Remove references to texture cube arrays Remove all CPU path for envmaps, bindings, fingerprinting, etc, should've removed 3 years ago but now we're ready for it
Bindless cubemaps!
Shadow Cache + Time Sliced Shadows (#1535)
Print actual lightdesc for shadow map on debug markers, cleanup
Readd shadow volume culling, CDrawShadowMapsForLightParams has all frusta inside itself, no need for multiple
Readd shadow volume culling, CDrawShadowMapsForLightParams has all frusta inside itself, no need for multiple
Remove all atlas downsampling bullshit, not even being used Backport shadowcache from CS2 Backport more shadowcache code from cs2, start adapting lightbinner for new layout Remove ConsiderLight and LightEntry, they're bullshit now and overcomplicated, used to figure out which lights had priority but not needed anymore, data flow is leaner now Time sliced shadows + shadow caching Remove shadow template views, doesn't make sense to have this code duplicated and makes it harder to work with it, I don't think we use those HLVR constants the code mentions, and if we do it should just be on the standard pipeline Vulkan: Fix ClearImpl not respecting layer viewports smaller than the screen, and instead just clearing everything with a fast renderpass, this caused issues when we want to just clear a small rect lb_time_sliced_shadows, fix directional lights not showing up, clear each rect when wanting to draw rather than having a complicated shadow atlas clear system Make CSM to be re-rendered for each view since they are view-dependent, but we can keep the same tiles we reserved Static vs. Dynamic object rendering for FindOrCreateShadowMapsForLight Fuck off with subrect clearing on shadowcache, we do it much simpler on draw now which is guaranteed to be clean, our goal is to go bindless too so it doesnt even apply Pass per view lighting constants to shadow, transition barriers to fog Fix file move on vpc for shadowmap_texturebarrier_renderer.h
Make atmospherics on shadingmodel take position with offset directly, recompile terrain with it, fixes volumetric fog on terrain
Revert "Temporarily use batch publisher for "Upload" button in AssetPublishWidget, since it's doing nothing currently" This reverts commit 0985ef78fcb2e16747cb76f1e1c95a48d8567405. Fix publish page missing on certain package types Fix HasCodePath, HasAssetPath not working for single asset projects
VR: Fix angular velocity & velocity coordinate conversion
2 Days Ago
Tidy up
2 Days Ago
Early out / cut nesting
2 Days Ago
Restore the old filter here even if e.Resume() throws
2 Days Ago
Add Rpc.Resume. This handles disabling and restoring filter if the Rpc.Caller is us before and after resuming. Use this everywhere.
2 Days Ago
FilterOnly -> FilterInclude. AllExcept -> FilterExclude. Only one RPC filter can be active at any time
2 Days Ago
Fix EventSystem null exception LibrarySystem read/save version property, support switching versions
3 Days Ago
Add new Interpolation stage - the updates need to happen at the right point. Clear interpolation if interpolation isn't enabled and we receive a transform update
3 Days Ago
Actually enable it
3 Days Ago
Add InterpolationSystem (GameObjectSystem) - update GameTransform to Add/Remove GameObjects from this system as appropriate
3 Days Ago
Add overloads for filtering RPC recipients based on a predicate
3 Days Ago
VR: keep track of input deltas manually
3 Days Ago
Test Clean up - use TransformInterpolate class Can't modify transform if we're a network object root and a proxy - we must stay true to network transform target Hook up Interpolation enable/disable from Inspector. When Owner calls ClearInterpolation, set a bit on the update msg to have other clients do so as well. Hook up Network.Interpolation and Enable/DisableInterpolation() on the accessor. Fix to allow interp property to be set by GameObjectHeader Serialize the interpolation bool with GameObject Combination of fixed update interpolator and networked interpolation buffer. Working nicely Some cleanup Some extra docs + let's call it Query to match the other class Use Time.Now Restore backward compat LerpTo Cull after, ensure move direct to last tx if query out of time but entries remaining Fix formatting Tiny tidyup
3 Days Ago
RPC in log for consistency
3 Days Ago
Better docs
3 Days Ago
Remove duplicate docs
3 Days Ago
Some fixes
3 Days Ago
BufferedHashSet<T>: For safely iterating over a hashset that can be modified without needing a copy Optimize GameObject.Network, we do not need to constantly find the network root, it should only be set on network spawns and parent changes Sandbox.Game convars work in editor again Codegen IUpdateSubscriber and others on Components that implement those methods Scene update loop only iterates over enabled components that implement each of their methods; OnUpdate, OnFixedUpdate, OnPreRender
3 Days Ago
Use hasvalue etc
3 Days Ago
Inverse logic (doh!)
3 Days Ago
Fix ambigious docs
3 Days Ago
this can be made private
3 Days Ago
Add single Connection overloads
3 Days Ago
Same logic for static Rpcs
3 Days Ago
Update documentation Add recipient filter struct, type, and Rpc.FilterOnly and Rpc.AllExcept methods Update documentation Change filtertype options Move to Connection.Filter. Can pass optional filter to Broadcast. Use this for Rpcs with current filter. More docs
3 Days Ago
BufferedHashSet<T>: For safely iterating over a hashset that can be modified without needing a copy Optimize GameObject.Network, we do not need to constantly find the network root, it should only be set on network spawns and parent changes Sandbox.Game convars work in editor again Codegen IUpdateSubscriber and others on Components that implement those methods Scene update loop only iterates over enabled components that implement each of their methods; OnUpdate, OnFixedUpdate, OnPreRender
3 Days Ago
Always explicitly keep a reference to delegates passed to native (#1546)
3 Days Ago
Always explicitly keep a reference to delegates passed to native (#1546)
3 Days Ago
BufferedHashSet<T> Use BufferedHashSet<Component> to safely iterate components without a copy Name this ComponentSubscriberInterfaces, name interfaces IUpdateSubscriber etc.
3 Days Ago
Fix build
3 Days Ago
Write the version id with downloaded package Update library template Update library template Cleanup
3 Days Ago
Test out this iterator safe workset collection, this probably has some fancy standard name
4 Days Ago
Codegen adds Sandbox.Internal.IWantsOnUpdate etc. when those methods are found on Component derived classes New update mode, iterating over components with IWants interfaces Sandbox.Game convars work in editor again Run legacy game loop on older assemblies Make sure we run interpolation on the new loop, this is being rewritten atm so I don't wanna touch it Optimize GameObject.Network, we do not need to constantly find the network root, it should only be set on network spawns and parent changes Check Component.IsValid() just in case they've been immediately deleted
4 Days Ago
Add mutex on read/writing m_CulledLights, guarantees it won't be overwritten twice while doing a callback before finishing rendering next frame or would write while allocating lights
4 Days Ago
Fix baked fog on scenes, only enable volumetric fog if there are any fog volumes in scene
4 Days Ago
Temporarily use batch publisher for "Upload" button in AssetPublishWidget, since it's doing nothing currently Don't make asset metadata for cloud assets, since we're mounting downloaded cloud stuff first, asset browser tag code is generating fake metadata for all this cloud stuff and causing problems when we're wanting the real metadata
4 Days Ago
CitizenAnimationHelper: FootShuffle becomes more generic MoveRotationSpeed, update docs for what this parameter is doing now