
6,624 Commits over 2,527 Days - 0.11cph!

4 Years Ago
Make the hub server notification toggler use the switch component
4 Years Ago
Server switcher height adjustment
4 Years Ago
Update icon (but not android's) Update server switcher because the text height changed Update confirmation modal a bit
4 Years Ago
Bold the active text for smart alarms, formatting
4 Years Ago
Don't pull entity name from pairing notification (will be removed from the Rust server too)
4 Years Ago
Fix janky notification toggler when editing alarms
4 Years Ago
Put login before intro
4 Years Ago
Add some instructions to deploy to the Android and iOS stores
4 Years Ago
Proper fix for map error on iOS Revert "Speculative map fix for iOS" This reverts commit f17baf725c1797f260ed60d955a5e65e755d9805. Merge branch 'master' of # Conflicts: # components/Map/markers/CH47Marker.tsx
4 Years Ago
Speculative map fix for iOS
4 Years Ago
VSCode indent settings
4 Years Ago
▅▌█ ▉▅▋▍▉██▍▄▌▄ ▊▌▇▌▉▋▅, ▇▋▉ █▊▉▊▇▌▌ ▅▅▆▍ ▆▆▌▊▌▊▅▍ ▉▇▍▉▉▊▆▊
4 Years Ago
▉▉▋ ▇▊▌█▄▇ ▄▆▆▆█ ▍▆▍▆██▄▄▉▆
4 Years Ago
▌▋█▇▉▆ "▌▌▆▄▇▄ "▇▄▉▄▊▉ ▅▅▌▅▍ ▉█▉ ▌█▇▋█▋▋▅▄▍▇▄ ▉▍▅▄▉"" ▊█▊▊ ▊▊▍█▊▆▆ ▄▋▋▌▌▄ ▇▇██▊▉▇▅▍▊▊▊▄▆▍▌▉▇▅▋▌▅▌█▇▌██▅▇▅▉▅█▊▌▉▅▍▍. ▇▉▊▄▇▋▉ ▄▇▆▅█▋▅▆▅ ▉▄▄▋▄▍▄ ▊█▅▉ ▉▊▅▆█▇▅█ ▇▉▌▄ ▊▆█▅▍▆▋▋▍ ▆█▇▉ ▄▆▌ █▉▄▉▅▆▄█ ▅▍ ▊▄▉▊ ▍▊ ▊▍ █▉▊ ▌▄█▋▇▉ ▇▅▌▋ ▇▅▇▄ ▌█▆▍▇▆▍▍ ▍▉▊▆▆ ▇▋ ▊▉▉▋▅▊█
4 Years Ago
▆▊▉▌█▄ ▊▇▇▉▆ ▉▉▇ ▊▊▋▆▄█▌█▋▅▋▄ ▌▅█▅▌
4 Years Ago
Fix automatic server switch not working properly after pairing an entity
4 Years Ago
Version bump Long press devices to open editing screen Device notification toggle Can now delete devices too
4 Years Ago
Better sanity check for authentication Cache style object in MapView Set default icons for devices, update name and icon if pairing an entity that already exists Revert "Upgrade to Expo SDK 36" This reverts commit 552d9acdc0326fa4dc8f75ece48a290386be7a65.
4 Years Ago
█▉▄ ▄▊▄▄ ▋▉▆ ▊▊▋▋▅▇▉ ▅▉▅▉ ▍█▍▇▊ ▉▄ ▆▌▉█▋
4 Years Ago
█▍▋ ▊▊▆▅▋ ▇█▆▄▇▋▋ ▄▋▌ █▇▇█ ▅▆▅▇▌ ▌▋ ▆▌▍▍▉
4 Years Ago
▍▊▄ █▆█▋▆▅ ▅█▆ ▊▅▄█▇▆█ ▄▅ ▆▍▌▄ ▋▍▆ ███▊▉▉ ▇▅▉▋█ ▄▆▍▇▆▆
4 Years Ago
Change hub header title to "Hub"
4 Years Ago
Better padding on the android icon, version bump
4 Years Ago
Need to checkout with LFS
4 Years Ago
Update main.yml
4 Years Ago
Create main.yml
4 Years Ago
Fix ugly border around avatars for no reason
4 Years Ago
Version bump
4 Years Ago
Some fixes
4 Years Ago
Mostly upgrade to React Navigation v5 (from v3) * They removed switch navigators so will need to do that another way * Forwarding screen options from tab to stack is totally broken because they removed some fucntions it needs (probably another way to do it) * Performance is awful (in dev mode at least) * Warnings spewing out of a few things
4 Years Ago
Upgrade to Expo SDK 36
4 Years Ago
Icon changes
4 Years Ago
Fix sentry sourcemap upload
4 Years Ago
Fix some switch issues
4 Years Ago
Update protos
4 Years Ago
Remove name from entity info
4 Years Ago
Setup intro screen (with temp useless content)
4 Years Ago
Icon picker and stuff for add device screen
4 Years Ago
Setting entity name on the add device screen, need to do the icon picker now
4 Years Ago
Entity pairing page styling
4 Years Ago
Fix sudden huge gap on hub, better spacing on pairing buttons
4 Years Ago
Some pairing page tweaks (wip)
4 Years Ago
Add new PlayerStates to the cache so they don't get lost forever
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
▊▊▋▍▄ ▌▌ ▊▊█▇▍▊ ▋█▊ ▊▅█▉▆ ▍ ▋▇▍, ▄▉▅▋ ▄▊▋▉▇▌ ▅▋ ▍▇▅▋▋ ▌▊▅▇▇
4 Years Ago
Add a dirty flag so player state doesn't always need to save for each player
4 Years Ago
▄▆▆▌▌ █▉▅ ▄▉▊▄ ▆▅▍▉ ▉▄▇▉▊▊▍▉ ▉▌ ▆▄█▄▋█▉▅ ▄▍▉▉ ▉▆▍▇▍ (▄▉▍▊▋▌ #▅)
4 Years Ago
▍▊▌█▍▊▊▄▌▌▆ ▉▌ ▅▉▆▊▋▆▋ ▇▆▉▌▇▉▉, ▌▌█▄▌▋▅ ▇▌▍▅▅▅▇▋▌ ▌▉▅▍▋▊▌▆▇ ▉▊ ▍▋▄▄▅█▅▌▆ ▇▌▇▋▋▋ ▋▇▉▉ "▅█▉▇" ▋▇▅▉ ▋▅▄▅ ▋▇▅▆▊▌▍▄▋▍▉ ▉█▄ ▅'█ ▆▄▍█ ▋▋▇▆▇█▆ ▊▍▌▇▊▆
4 Years Ago
▋▄█ ▌▉▆▇▄▇█ ▇▅▊▌▅ ▋▊▇▍ ▅▋ ▆▉▊ ▅▌▆ █▉▋▊▋▍▌▆▇▍ ▍▅▇▅█▍
4 Years Ago
▄█▆▍ █▇▆ ▉▆▅▋▅█▅ ▌▅▌ ▋▋ ▊▉▄▄ ▉▆▄█ ▌▄▉▆▇▇▊▄ ▍▉▌▉▆▆▍ (▌██▊.▌█▊▄▌▌▆▇▋▍█▊▊)