userBill Bcancel

8,907 Commits over 1,735 Days - 0.21cph!

5 Years Ago
Created sound definitions for basic car sounds
5 Years Ago
Created sound definitions for basic car sounds
5 Years Ago
▉▄▄ ▌ ▉▋▌▉▇▆ ▊▉ ▉▇▆▍▌█/▋▍▍██▋ ▋▅▉▌▋▋▋ ▆▆▌▊▍▍
5 Years Ago
▅▉▍ ▇ ▉▍▌▄▋█ ▇▄ ▇▉▌▊▍▍/▋▊▅▌▋▇ ▇▆█▅▊▉▋ ▉▋▍▋▅▅
5 Years Ago
▍▋▇▊▄ ▌█▄▆▌▍▋ ▌▌▉ ▆█▋▊▊▌▅▆▇▊ ▉▊▆█▍█▍▌ ▌▇▌▄██▉ ▍█ ▋▇▍▅ ▆▉▊▇▋▆▇. ▊▅▋ █▍ ▍▉▅▅▊▆ █▄▌ ▄█▊▅▍▇▅. ▊▇█▍▇█ ▆▄▉▄▆->▅▊▅▊▉█ ▅█▌▇ ▌▋▉▌▍ ▆▅, ▄▄▅▌ ▌▆▄ ▋▇▉ ▉▉▆▅.
5 Years Ago
▊▆▆▅▅ ▅▇▉▊▄▉▆ ▊▄▅ ▄▉▇▋▆▄▉▉▍▆ ▊▊██▋▇▇▇ ▍▇▅▆▍▄▋ ▍▍ ▋▇▉▇ ▊▉▌▋▍▋▅. ▊▍▄ ▋▆ ▍▉▉▌▅▍ ▊▆▌ ▋▊▍▋▉▆▍. ▇▄▌▆▇▍ ▍▄▊▊▌->▊▆▊▍▇█ ▄▄▉▆ ▄▌▌▊▇ █▌, ▍▌▄▇ █▅▇ ▍▆▉ ▌▍▉█.
5 Years Ago
Engine audio inspector params
5 Years Ago
Engine audio inspector params
5 Years Ago
- Modular car engines now turn on/off, with startup time (client synced) - Fuel is now actually needed. Adding 100 low grade by default in editor for easy testing - Added engine waterlogging - Removed handbrake, it sucked
5 Years Ago
- Modular car engines now turn on/off, with startup time (client synced) - Fuel is now actually needed. Adding 100 low grade by default in editor for easy testing - Added engine waterlogging - Removed handbrake, it sucked
5 Years Ago
Allow faster vehicles to have better brakes (automatic multiplier)
5 Years Ago
Allow faster vehicles to have better brakes (automatic multiplier)
5 Years Ago
When moving backwards and accelerating, actually accelerate instead of brake
5 Years Ago
When moving backwards and accelerating, actually accelerate instead of brake
5 Years Ago
Improved speed-based steer angle reduction. Better max speed calculation.
5 Years Ago
Improved speed-based steer angle reduction. Better max speed calculation.
5 Years Ago
Fake a lower centre of mass, less anti-roll needed, better handling
5 Years Ago
Fake a lower centre of mass, less anti-roll needed, better handling
5 Years Ago
Even more driving physics tweaks
5 Years Ago
Even more driving physics tweaks
5 Years Ago
- Fixed wheel visual glitching when entering water etc by providing the right layer mask. - Properly added the wheel smoke FX from the sedan. - Some driving physics tweaks. - Added handbrake, although it's really just a fancy version of the brakes.
5 Years Ago
- Fixed wheel visual glitching when entering water etc by providing the right layer mask. - Properly added the wheel smoke FX from the sedan. - Some driving physics tweaks. - Added handbrake, although it's really just a fancy version of the brakes.
5 Years Ago
Add some car audio files (originally from WiseGuys)
5 Years Ago
Add some car audio files (originally from WiseGuys)
5 Years Ago
Good enough driving physics for now
5 Years Ago
Good enough driving physics for now
5 Years Ago
- Various general work on getting vehicles of all sorts to drive nicely. - Don't show health on chassis/modules. - Added several test vehicle to my test map.
5 Years Ago
- Various general work on getting vehicles of all sorts to drive nicely. - Don't show health on chassis/modules. - Added several test vehicle to my test map.
5 Years Ago
Adjust engine kW values
5 Years Ago
Adjust engine kW values
5 Years Ago
Move vehicle settings into a shared ScriptableObject
5 Years Ago
Move vehicle settings into a shared ScriptableObject
5 Years Ago
Merge new driving physics to Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Merge new driving physics to Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Manifest rebuild
5 Years Ago
Manifest rebuild
5 Years Ago
▋▌▆█▅ ▆▍▌-▅▄▇▋█ ▌▇▅▄▆▋▄ █▇▉▇▇▉▅ ▋▄▇▉█▅▅▇▉▅▍ █▊▌ ▌▆▌▄▉▉▆. █▄▌█▆▍▌▇▆▌▅▉▅ ▅▋▋▉ ▍▊▇▉▋▍▄ ▌▄▆▉ ▅▋▇ ▋▄▌▇▄ ▉▄▆▅▆▄▆▆ ▌▌ ▉▊▅█▆ ▅▍▆▋▊▄▋▉ ▅▋▇▅▉▉█▉▇▋▊ ▆█▊█▄██, ▋▅▍ ▉▉█▊ ▉▆▋▌ ▄▋▍▌█▅. █▍▌ ▋▋ █▇▆▌█▆ ▋█ ▉▅▇▅ ▇▉ ▊▊▆▍▉▄▆▊ ▊▆▄▋▇▍▉ ▍▅▊▋▍▋▉▇▊ ▍█▋▋▆▊ ▋▉▉ ▆▌█▆▍▆ ▋█▌▋▍▌ ▋▌.
5 Years Ago
▌▉▆▋▅ ▄▄▆-▅▌▆▊▉ ▊▍▇▋█▆▍ ▍▌█▍▍▌▍ ▊▉▄▅▉▉▋█▍▋▌ ▊▉█ ▌▋▉▄▅▅▍. ▊▌▊▍█▌▋▄▄▆▋▇▅ ▇▋▄▋ ▊▄▌▆▍▉▌ ▋▋█▄ ▄▍▍ ▌▊▍▄▋ █▅▅▋▄▇▌▉ ▄▆ ▇▄▅▋▋ ▇▄▇▋▊▆▋▅ ▋▇▊▍▅▆▍▊▆▇▍ ▉▉▉▆▋▌▅, ▍▌▉ ▇█▍▇ ▅▉▋▇ ▅▇█▋▄▇. ▇▇█ ▋▆ ▅▊▅▋▆▅ ▆▌ ▋▉▌▉ ▆▌ ▊▇▍▋▊▍▋▅ ▇▄▍█▌▉▅ ▍███▊▊▌▆▊ ▋▅▍▋▍▋ ▆▌▅ ▌█▄█▊▋ ▋▉▄▆▄▋ ▋▇.
5 Years Ago
Merge Vehicles -> Vehicles sub-branch
5 Years Ago
Merge Vehicles -> Vehicles sub-branch
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
5 Years Ago
More driving physics experimentation
5 Years Ago
More driving physics experimentation
5 Years Ago
More driving physics experimentation
5 Years Ago
Minor cleanup only
5 Years Ago
Minor cleanup only
5 Years Ago
True support for multiple drivers at once. Multi-driver drifting? Inputs are combined in a way where they won't cancel each other out.
5 Years Ago
True support for multiple drivers at once. Multi-driver drifting? Inputs are combined in a way where they won't cancel each other out.
5 Years Ago
Remove vehicle settings that are currently unused