6 Years Ago
Added method to precache SFX Added warning when loading json assets during gameplay Working on fixing up ScriptFunc pre-compiling Safeguarded against updating generated funcs while caching is enabled Merge branch 'master' into precaching Fixed possible exceptions when generating script funcs for missing FSMs Added attributes for automatic script func discovery Removed old music manager Implemented new way of discovering ScriptFuncs Added PlayerGunData ScriptFunc discovery PatternRecipe ScriptFunc discovery Removed old MusicManager from scene Resource references can now be enumerables and fields BulletRecipe ScriptFunc discovery Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings Working on fixing ScriptFunc cache key conflicts Fixed codegen sometimes failing Got rid of redundant cached script funcs Merge branch 'master' into precaching Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings Fixed CallMethod action targets not being discoverd by codegen Added progress bar to code gen Original return type of cached script funcs is now preseved Fixed CallMethod action invocation with cached ScriptFuncs Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings Fixed Unit FSM script func discovery Can now discover resource references from FsmCallMethodAction parameters Gradually discovering more ScriptFuncs FsmSetValueAction script func discovery tweaked array style Fixed explosion effect not being discovered by code gen Merge branch 'precaching' of SpaceUsurperUnity into precaching Cached script funcs now generated in separate files for each stage Now generating methods to precache all resources used by a stage FuncParams precaching, repel effect discovery Extra player gun / poweup / pattern script discovery RemoteControlNearbyUnits bulletPath discovery Added editor script to purge empty directories Fixed possible exception when running without steam initialized Merge branch 'master' into precaching Now only emits a warning if an uncached ScriptFunc is encountered Moved some ChargePattern calls to use the new parameters Better warnings about invalid CallMethods / SetValues Can now override FuncParams for fields when doing ScriptFunc discovery Moved HowieTest stage Fixes for ScriptFunc discovery Working on a way for ScriptFunc discovery to know when an action set's target is different to the containing object CodeGen errors now only show up in the editor Merge branch 'master' into precaching Added BakeStageScripts build step Fixed method name ambiguity Ignoring generated scripts (1/2) Ignoring generated scripts (2/2) Started on codegen refactor Finished code gen property export system Fixed regression after codegen refactor