7 Years Ago
FIxed not being able to spawn passengers via console commands Don't bring baggage if destination is null Units snap to navmesh when exiting a smartobject Fixed some logic errors in passenger lines Reenabled asset duplicate detection and id reallocation Conslidated/refactored some tech tree editor side GUI Tech tree editor fix Fixed tech tree inversion, can open tech tree for edits from props/assets Clicking dismisses the current tooltip Delete deprecated console command Moved some passenger AI stuff into the load balanced ship system Refactored some math code Don't show tech unlocks on scene objects WIP Tacos Fixed case where units could teleport to target items More taco stuff Added an extra text field to the dynamic sliders on the prop tooltip More prop tooltip script updates Refactor queues into lines More pathfinding improvements, halved nav radius of all passengers More pathfinding stuff Fixed passengers teleporting to use objects Zero out tooltips on Instantiation Typo fix on expansion contract New Lighting contract Fixed eyedropped props not matching rotation Changed how prop availability works Instead of multiple check boxes, props are either Unavailable, Available In Editor or Available in Game Pop a notification when a new passenger type is available Don't do world tooltips while a placement system is active More angled window stuff Toggle cursor with Alt in screenshot camera Merge branch 'master' into HUD2