7 Years Ago
zoo egg pixels zoo pet rooms know when player inside them pixel range pixelnum Fixed songs not including stage properties properly fixed unit form onSpawn new armor pixels CHIPPY-110: Can now omit sample start bar, which now auto increments some twin patterns frame stage bullet facing angle velocity mode doesnt update with zero velocity merge pixelgroup prereqs enable rope properly frame boss respawning shield track wall 0 is separate unit track boss forms better armor form 2 hunter boss movement behaviour new guard unit 2nd guard unit zoo boss 3rd form new onion boss 2nd form new trench 1st form satellite 3rd form storm 3rd form Added throwIfNotFound option to HotloadedData.Get() CHIPPY-111: Songs now also look for samples in a directory with the song's name CHIPPY-113: Song scripting can now controll lowpass / highpass Added MP3Sharp new guard boss pixels cube boss 3rd form Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity orb new 3rd form cube boss movement, unit form spawnPos bullet and laser can be set to kill player even with shields bullet color blink easing mode, laser color blink properties Loading MP3 samples from custom stages Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity alwaysKillPlayer works while invuln, can be applied to units Form requirement regex is now case insensitive Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity armor boss requirements cleaned up some files cleaned up some unit fsm frame patterns unit startFormNum for convenience testing more graceful error if a bullet recipe cant be found more frame patterns CHIPPY-115: Fixed music not starting immediately Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity CHIPPY-116, CHIPPY-117: Moved replay archiving to a worker thread Merge branch 'master' into precaching