6 Years Ago
Fixed some expansion issues Take steam screenshot via screenshot tool Mirror, Rotate and Scale support for decals Codegen Decal scaling, rotation fixes Colour switcher support, more fixes better placement controls (moved scale and rotate controls to LMB drag) More colours, company colours can select different valid uses Converted all decal projectors to unlit Fire + Circle filled decal Added colliders to decals so they can be deleted Preview thumbs, alt fire Placeable engines New staff only door Fixed some settings fields not serializing properly Fixed being able to continue a save that was deleted Add alert prompt to main menu Can no longer start a new game if company has no name, disabled starting ship selector Append company name to autosaves, store a GUID per company Added some floor trim to the ship edges to cover up light bleeding Ship attachments now turn off when the ship's visbility state changes Camera starts in better position Better docking behaviour Prevent starting expansion being placed too far away from origin Prop preview now changes shadow quality and then reverts it See Scripts/Editor/PropPreviewSettings Tweaked some camera logic Fixed a docking issue Adjust camera zoom clamps when placing ship attachments WIP Needs rebalance Fix drawers, apply new prop need stats Merge branch 'needsrebalance' into HUD