6 Years Ago
Fix DFrame buttons height (#1423) * Change DFrame buttons height from 31 to 24 Change DFrame Close, Minimize and Maximize buttons height from 31 (which makes them square and taller than the actual header and its draggable area, which are both 24 pixels tall) to 24. It makes the buttons to be the same height as the frame draggable and visual header height. * Fix DFrame buttons UV - Fix DFrame buttons (Close, Minimize, Maximize and Restore) UV coordinates to represent their actual size. UV bounds of these buttons will fill the whole rectangle with texture without a gap on the bottom, which forces to make buttons 31 pixels tall to look okay, yet their clickable area goes down further than their visible part. - Fix DFrame border UV, make the header 24 pixels tall, as it is in the texture, instead of 32 pixels tall.