Combat animation changes
Melee bots will now finish their attack instead of stopping mid-animation
Override attack anims on AI characters are now an array that gets used randomly
New combo for Sword guy
MovementState is now set through a method on CharacterBase, not by directly setting the variable (makes debugging easier)
Added a new combo montage for the sword guy, randomly picks between that and the old behaviour
Fixed being able to climb on other unts
Added a GetAllActorsOfClass to DoLedgeTrace which is probably bad for performance - I think this was a recent regression (last successful steam build doesn't have this issue) so not entirely sure what's changed.
New combo for big sword guy
Just one attack, his size makes it difficult for animations to work (swings above players head, sword hits ground,etc)
Barrels can now burn
Wooden shields can now be set on fire and destroyed by fire
Status Effects applied to an actor are now automatically applied to any attached actors, so wooden shield gets set on fire when the holder is set on fire.