key stage
vibration max range
fixed unit from being disabled while bg still fading out
pixel debris spread angle
can set movementcontroller position directly
key fade in etc
units properly set inactive after being destroyed
key depth correctly on top of pixelgroups
player gun renderposition
fixed pxc tint not being init correctly
bullet outer bounds
fixed unit opacity flickering
fixed a pattern volley timing issue when multiple volleys take place on a single frame
changed impulseFriction to impulseFrictionPercent
converted bullet friction to frictionPercent
lineparticle friction to frictionPercent
movementcontroller velocity uses frictionpercent
impulse velocity frictionpercent
changed player brake easing
reworked vibration values
removed more old friction code
Recipe code generation now processes bullet recipes
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into switch