6 Years Ago
Disable ceiling shadows, allow toggle mesh instance renderers Disable lights, new directional light, disable instancing for now New skybox Merge branch 'ocean' into lighting_rework Merge branch 'gpuinstancer' into lighting_rework Combined citizens Hooked up new combined skinned mesh renderers, disabled some clothing logic on precombined meshes Fix hard hat LODS Fixed overcrowded material getting saved in asset at runtime Add loadingBlueprint flag to session, add default wall and floor paints Some renames Fixed not being able to build rooms in a new session Fix some bad room placement maths Fixed some wall rendering issues Fixed exceptions when pasengers spawn Merge branch 'ocean' into lighting_rework Re enable mesh instancing Disabled more room lights New sun controller Fix vsync not properly applying on boot Fix service LODs casting shadows Beds replensih fatigue, enable decks Different defauilt floor texture for outdoor areas Lower area mesh on outdoor areas Remove InstantiateViaPrefabInsancer New exterior lounge area, some new support for exterior rooms and rooms that have no walls WIP pool prop and room Fixed some load game issues Added a notification when a room has been overcrowded for too long Don't allow needs or satisfaction to go up while a room is overcrowded Fixed some issues with interact points and navigation checking Combined deck chair mesh Combined umbrella mesh Cache target generator profiler strings Merge branch 'ocean' into lighting_rework Sun tweaks Fixed some weather exceptions Another weather fix Readded need sorting Turned off shadows on most held items Fixed incorrectly setup text labels on satisfaction tooltip Fixed cached profiler strings failing on null target generators Prop cost changes, new Small utility room, small supply room, change default exterior material Disable crime, disable security guard New newsagent room, new postcards stand in souvenir store Removed lights from rooms, made individual lights unavailable Filling in some luxury and shopping satisfaction values, lots of previews Show overcrowded indicator on passengers Proper exclamation icon Tried to fix the happiness out of range display bug Some new conditions for new game mechanics Overcrowding tutorial Don't allow room placement until an expansion is purchased Basic satisfaction contract Fixed contracts not making props free correctly Fixed category highlights not working for contracts with premade rooms Update lots of contracts to fit with new game flow Revert common area room Added a passenger count contract, update manifests Merge branch 'ocean' into 2019.1