Move repair logic to staff out of maintenance
Added cloud shadows package, hooked up in main scene
Convert some overcrowding ints to boosl now that we're in modern burst
Overcrowded transforms are now updated as needed, rather than checking every frame, every passenger
New company icon, updated ship entrance
Fix service staff error
Update default starter blueprint
Fix blueprint load not getting company logo material
Fix company secondary colours not being reflected on outside trim
Updated both scenario starting blueprints
Food supply room icon
Power and water dedicated rooms now offer more power/water than the standard utilty room and can reach further
WIP tiki bar
Moved wall neighbour calculations into threads, should speed up placing rooms and expansions
Wall tweaks
Fixed Premium lounge always requiring power
Don't show resource popups for rooms that have met their requirements
Update resources tutorial, convert tutorial panel to tmpro
Updated resources contract to include food and new conditions, remove old deprecated staff contract
Condition fix
Hacky fix for sprite update changes not occuring in 2019.1
Colour swapper NRE fix
Fix hud popups being depooled with their minimised state remembered
Fixed the staff hire point popup wrong pivot
Added a small fade out animation when player click completes jobs
Came up with a really bad solution for unity's image color setting bug on the category widget
First pass on What's New
Project version
Woops, commit again
Merge branch 'master' into lwrp
More material fixes