4 Years Ago
Experimenting with a relative aim mode for KB+M Custom game mode support, WIP Merge branch 'master' into gamemodes Fixed default game mode Record scores differently on submit Fixed useRawTime being the wrong way round Fixed typo on GameOver award display Added ProgressionTests Fixed core graphics trailing behind rotating units Fixed confirm prompt sometimes having the wrong buttons Merge branch 'master' into relative-aim Relative aim is now bindable Can now relative aim with empty space Fixed SnappySlider sound looping forever when disabled Workshop campaign list field tweaks, now show last updated time Updated Utils.FormatDuration Plugin title marquee on workshop campaign page fix wrong number of shield bubble effects showing Made sure int struct types can be marshalled properly Finishing touches with relative aim mode Fixed another cause of an incessant slider sound Include current stage name in sentry tags Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Highligh workshop campaigns with a new update Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Fixed case where cursor could be hidden in the main menu ListMenu refactor Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Ability to automatically subscribe to some default workshop items Fixed bug when returning to unsubscribed workshop campaign Fixed list menu highlight Workshop menu sorting Got rid of the source column from workshop menu Added source type headers Notification badge to show unseen workshop update count Fixed possible missing ref exception when lots of workshop items are installed Fixed some strings Updated sentry dsn Make sure telemetry updates on first load Workshop voting assets Update Facepunch.Steamworks In-game workshop voting UI Only show rate button prompt for workshop campaigns Only grant victory achievements in built-in stages Playtime logging per-stage Fixed vote buttons flickering when pressed Voting sfx Attempting to ensure that script changes in the base game can't break workshop stages misc Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Clear precached properties for scripts changed since a workshop upload Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Flash rate button prompt if an appropriate time Fixed ScrollTable suddenly jumping when selecting an entry Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Switch build fixes Don't download facepunch manifest on switch GA cleanup Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity remove GA gameobject Added button to open workshop tutorials Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Fixed possible Player_StatusEffects error Show thumbs up / down in installed plugin list Fixed BaseActions NRE Move songs out of magic directory Hacky support for stages referencing songs in the old location Alternate solution for legacy song paths Fixed possible NRE in workshop menu Fixed build error