4 Years Ago
Platform override example changes Merge branch 'master' into switch-port Experimental platform overrides implementation Merge branch 'master' into switch-port Disable OSX debug builds Merge branch 'master' into switch-port Script baking seems to work with platform overrides check currform == null when removing speech bubbles Speech bubbles now support loading custom textures moved keyboard lerp speeds to player config Store progression data in separate files for each new version Don't send error reports for plugins Fixed possible NRE on init Leaderboard fetching works! Fixed standalone build error Fixed exception when updating the timer on switch Fixed NRE on exit stage on switch Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity tweak sfx max distance Patched DocGen for vs2019 Fixed stageProgress alias Fixed new leaderboards not being created Working on implementing IStorageService on switch Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity File system stuff mostly working Fixed standalone build error Changed button prompt highlight styling Settings controls highlight styling A little more highligh styling Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Reset custom unit funcs on setup, fixing divergence Fixed unit position divergence log Some more potential divergence fixes Revert "Some more potential divergence fixes" This reverts commit b385bd9ec97777b9e22e5101daed190723c9fd88. Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Fixed case where last selected stage wouldn't update Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings Fixed workshop song loading in the menu Switch GetFiles() implementation Merge branch 'master' into release