Read only stuff for Props tab
Increased "Save Changes" button width for localization
Fixed gmod_hands sometimes floating near map origin
Not a perfect fix but at least they don't float no more
ENT:StoreOutput works for 2015+ Source maps
(Hopefully) More self explanatory persistence text
Apparently a lot of people doesn't know how this works or that it exists
CollapsibleCategory header has a symbol when collapsed
so people know its collapsed and not just empty
Duplicator lib is less prone to fail when getting errors
Encountering errors while pasting constraints should no longer stop mid pasting and create "un-undo-able" duplications
Fixed a crash exploint using NoCollide tool
Merged from x64 branch, apparently the fix was there for a while
Increased Notifications font for localized text
It was actually unreadable in Russian before
Fixed certain Utilities panels breaking with spawnmenu_reload
Fixed Undo & Cleanup panels in Utilities becoming blank after spawnmenu_reload
controlpanel.Get will no longer return panels that are about to be deleted (in the next frame)