3 Years Ago
Unbind Panorama Unbind UIWantsMouse/UIWantsKeyboard Make Sandbox.Game internals visible to Sandbox.Test Allow access to System.NotImplementedException Replace UI with UI2 StyleParser is internal StyleSheet.FromFile, StyleSheet.FromString Support element selectors + tests Support rgba( #ff0, 0.5 ) format Warn on unhandled style property Menu fixes Panel.AddEvent works again Panel input handles layered root panels Added Panel.SetClass Added Opacity style NulLCheck in Texture.Destroy Added position, handle absolute + test When adding/removing a class, dirty styles recursively Bind some of GameUIService Handle allowing buttons and mouse to go to the game SetHovered( null ) on game mouse Override game buttons if in menu Refactor for clarity, bit of documentation Stylesheet hotloading Added InputFocus Added EventQueue, ButtonEvent Remove some debug spam Merge branch 'master' of sbox