3 Years Ago
InteropGen - put native classes in order, least baseclasses first Engine - rename Player to Client Addon code prep Fov and Pawn Delete IFrameUpdate, IClientUpdate Add viewpos to usercmd Fix DOF on by default and only getting 50fps and debugging and reverting your 2 hours of changes thinking it was something you did Remove FieldOfView from player, that was a mistake Add Client.Camera, cleanup Merge branch 'master' into player-client UpdateCamera to BuildCamera, OnInput to BuildInput, ClientSimulate to Simulate Rename Player.cs to Client.cs Rename Client to ClientEnt, make a Client interface to emphasise that it's not a regular entity Client.Local => Local.Client Delete IPlayerControllable, Add Entity.Simulate( Client cl ) PlayerAnimator, PlayerController works again Removed BufferedActiveChild stuff Move PlayerAnimator and PlayerController to addons Setting Pawn also sets Owner Renamed OwnerEntity to Owner Add Entity.Input, Entity.Client If we're receiving predicted entity data, and we're going to create a NetworkClass because of it, and we've previously created this class on this tick via prediction, then use that class so we don't create a new one and introduce a bunch of confusion Moved Camera, CameraModifier to Addon Camera switching predicted properly, Camera.Activate/Deactivate called proper Fixed non networked [Predicted] variables thinking there were prediction errors Fixed health not being accessible clientside on non player entities EventSystem supports arguments Fix HasLocalPlayerOwner lying Run buildinput event from Game:BuildInput Restore nametag functionality Deleted BaseCamera, kill works again, fixed ragdollcamera Trimming unused Remove unused Remove unused Trim more unused player stuff Stripping player eyeangles/eyepos stuff No need to add Pawn to Client.Pv - it's added automatically Add Entity.EyePos, Entity.EyeRot Controllers,Cameras use EyePos, EyeRot again CamSetup has Viewer, ZNear, ZFar, Aspect Rename PlayerAnimator/PlayerController to PawnController, share a common base class to avoid all the repetition Fix PawnController.UpdateFromController Added FrameSimulate Keep user input up to date each frame Update ThirdPersonCamera.cs BasePlayer.CreateHull() Fixed ground entity not predicting on Entity Network BaseVelocity properly Only show managed prediction errors if cl_showerror > 0 Show origin prediction errors from all predicted entities Fix m_fFlags not being networked for all entities CNetworkQuantizedVector can get fucked BasePlayer.CreateHull Noclip works again Don't pass client around for purely clientside stuff like camera and input building Add Local.SteamId, Local.DisplayName Create SpawnPoint.cs Added Game.MoveToSpawnpoint( Entity pawn ) Remove GameBase.Current, add Game.Current Killfeed works again Fixed Client.All being empty (fixes chatbox etc) default v to +iv_voice, moved +iv_view to c Refactored voice stuff (moved most stuff to Voice class, moved out of addon code because we need more oversight and need it to control different PTT preferences and need it to work with parties) Rename BasePlayer.cs to Player.cs Put PawnControllers in folder Delete IPlayerControllable.cs Cleaning Merge branch 'master' into player-client Merge fixes Bind F2 to devcam by default Fixed Use not working Added Entity.PostCameraSetup( ref CameraSetup setup ) Viewmodel Fov setup Remove ICarriable Add Local.Hud (RootPanel) Rename Hud to HudEntity<T> (T = RootPanel) Default RootPanel scale by screen height rather than screen width CameraModifier works again Rename HasLocalPlayerOwner to IsLocalPawn Rename Entity.Client to Entity.GetClientOwner() Added To class for RPC and ConCommand sends https://files.facepunch.com/garry/0d8c7cc3-96de-4e79-9410-69abedca6741.png Disable debug Update BaseWeapon description, telling people they don't have to use it Fix prediction errors showing when cl_showerror is 0 Move SimulateActiveChild to Player since it's a common useful thing Controller/Animator renames Fixed EventSystem exception when no arguments Changed how Entity.Input is treated on the backend Fixed Input.ActiveChild WorldPos, WorldRot, WorldScale => Position, Rotation, Scale Transform.Pos, .Rot now .Position, .Rotation PawnController.Pos to Position Merge branch 'master' into player-client https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LKmPYTqT3tmxmf0alSGvuoCZw26AnZ7zHibuao4cd54 Player client