3 Years Ago
Experiments Codegen for NetworkVariable, working with hotloading Cleaner, safer Prediction fixes, network lists Trying to network CUtlBinaryBlock was a disaster, cleaning up Embed boilerplate Strip old netcode NetworkEmbedClass and INetworkTable Trim now unused data changed callbacks Use predicted versions of classes instead of recreating NetworkList is obsolete Refactoring, List<> uses BaseNetworkContainer NetworkEntity Fix for sbox-issues/issues/233, throw errors if doing this wrong Deleted EntityHandle Rename NetworkVariable to NetworkAtomic Added string replication Refactor Support networking List<string> Fixed null not being networked properly Add TableIdent and TableHash NetworkEmbed builds network table networks children (with no network dirty!) VPROF some shit Made storing/restoring predicted vars 41x faster Deleted NetPredictable https://files.facepunch.com/garry/0ae21fdd-58c9-437c-97eb-e5a4962600b1.png Fixed NRE in PredictionDestroy Don't allow changing [Net] vars clientside, unless they're a client entity or predicted List<Entity> is networkable Remove debug warnings Merge pull request #3 from Facepunch/datatables Datatables