4 Years Ago
WIP updating CSS parser to handle gradient stop points Gradient stop points working on effects UI test page now Merge pull request #14 from Facepunch/gradient-parsing Fixing up gradient parsing to support stop points Added implicit bool for RealTimeUntil so you can check if it has elapsed Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/sbox Add Event.PhysicsPreStep Event.PhysicsPostStep, Obsolete IPhysicsUpdate Fixed static RPCs in static classes not working because you can't have protected methods in static classes Support morphs for anim scene objects Obsolete AnimSceneObject.SetAnimParam, use SetAnimBool etc to stay consistent with AnimEntity Event.PhysicsPostStep to Event.Physics.PostStep Make sunlight render without bounds Support filter: blur( xx ) Merge branch 'master' into css-filter Merge fix