2 Years Ago
Better implementation of vh, vw, vmin, vmax GenericGameData fgd autogen Delete IModelGameData, Add ModelDoc.GenericGameData Attribute Raise OnValueChanged when TextEntry is modified with ctrl + x Fix world panels taking input priority over screen panels Texture.Load respect warnOnMissing when FileNotFoundException is thrown If no FOV is set by Camera use the default one from engine CameraSetup (default_fov convar) Stop engine forcing default_fov to 70 every frame Video settings:add default fov slider Trace: Fix AnyTags behaving same as AllTags, WithoutTags accepts multiple string params Whitelist System.Collections.ObjectModel.* System.MidpointRounding* System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsByRefLikeAttribute System.EventArgs* & System.EventHandler* Clear a panel's input focus when it is deleted Revert "Fix world panels taking input priority over screen panels" This reverts commit d4f9e18564950dc7d1119fb0f564f03da8df8c1b. PushRootLength & cleanup font scaling Simplify to YogaValue.Point security shutter- non tiling models no longer use tiling texture and shutter curtain is now flat not bumpy Merge branch 'master' of sbox Security shutter - top middle section offset removed Lets just use a long for UserId here, since it is one everywhere anyway Cache favourite packages, played packages Move door_sounds modelgamedata to c# Move prop_data to c# Update models_gamedata.fgd Move explosion_behavior to c# Add int.FormatWithSuffix() Added Local.PlayerId (obsoleted Local.SteamId) Use new Api URLs Add Client.FetchGameRankAsync() Show wins/losses/draws for facepunch.pool Only show city if it's different to state Remove api debug Don't RegionInfo Country Fix map selection Security shutter - painted tintable variants and none tiling version of materials for some models Merge branch 'master' of sbox More strict usage for AutoGenerate, FGDType and BitFlags attributes Classes can dictate their own FGD type via FGDTypeAttribute (So you don't have to put the attribute on every property every time) Rename ParticleAttachment fields to be consistent Hammer: Initial bevel tool https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b2811b1/DYeOzII5Or_Trim.mp4 FGDWriter can output classes as "choices" selector in tools This is a workaround to be able to use strings as data in fgd choices type, which c# enums do not allow. Move 'particle' (particles_list) modelgamedata to c# Cleanup Intruder alarm 1 - added intruder alarm and LODS Merge branch 'master' of sbox Fix Model.GetData<>() not working with structs ModelBreakPiece works with Model.GetData<>() intruder alarm 1 - added thumbnail and tweaked size Obsolete Model.GetJson, GetData(str), HasData(str) Update ModelExtension.cs Citizen/animgraph: fixed incorrect parameters on wish_x/y/z and missing y Fix local client's steamid being incorrect serverside in singleplayer games Menu style tweaks Clean up panel deferred deletion: will delete same frame if no :outro transition Don't tick panel children if parent isn't visible (reduces paranoid impulse to add IsVisible checks to Tick for perf) updated lamp_post components so they snap to hammer grid better, Added bollard_bar_balljoint Rebuilt lamp_post components collision and recompiled, added bollard_bar_balljoint to bollard textures / materials, set up lods and collision etc and compiled Merge branch 'master' of sbox Add Global.IsToolsMode Hide force start game button if not in tools mode Templates create their children first, so that OnTemplateSlot will get called on their parents before the parents attributes, which seems like a better way around Fixed panel overlays staying open after console closed Fix exception on copy text Fixed PanelEvent propogation not stopping when returning false in method with no arguments Added base style for navigator to be functional Navigator panel can take a navigator-canvas which indicates the slot to be in, removed need for 2 layers of panels, fixed NavigateReturnEvent logic backwards Refactor menu so we can have navigator in game screen Avatar page fix Leave lobby button change VirtualScrollPanel item size takes a Length width/height Panel Template Slots can be deep VirtualScrollPanel.ItemSize fixes Game map selector tweaks Fix warnings FGDWriter can use ComponentModel.DisplayName & JsonPropertyName Attributes ComponentModel.DisplayName replacing Property.Title JsonPropertyName replacing Property.Name If a class as no properties with [Property] attribute, all properties will be exported to .fgd Delete ParticleAttachmentType Switch ModelGameData back to JSON for deserialization Update BasePathNode.cs Remove no longer needed interop methods Fix missing 'using' in FGDWriter Added Model.TryGetData<> Fix NRE in NavigatorPanel Hammer: Fix image plane drag drop not stripping off prefix, causing assert Report image decoding exceptions nicer Report EventSystem invocation exceptions nicer Hammer: Fix RT baked lighting preview Temp disable multiview rendering to fix VR rendering until we fix VR shaders Fix build Merge pull request #71 from Facepunch/vh-vw3 Better implementation of vh, vw, vmin, vmax MaterialEditor: Add shader name filter to shader select window https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b3011b1/rX2gBhg9xh_Trim.mp4 Citizen/animgraph: VR fully overrides arms + voice float + etc. Hook up client voice level to standard player animator Citizen/animgraph: unhooked new Choice node as it's causing a strange, menu-only animation playback bug Remove TextShadow material & shader Update skia Draw TextShadow as part of the text render Relocate thirdparty dlls Add css text-stroke-width, text-stroke-color (borderline standard) Fix NRE in NavigatorPanel Placeholder for generating label textures in background, need to handle -r_max_device_threads errors though Hammer: Add Export Encoding option like dota hammer has (defaults to binary) https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b3011b1/sbox_IOAvqzZWdo.png Don't allow ExplicitLayout structs TextStroke cascades Fix text shadow offset being wrong Tweak leaderboard styles Fix empty lobby list growing forever Glass refraction shader https://files.facepunch.com/ognik/1b3111b1/2021-10-02_59-43-2beec8f1-334a-4df6-af4c-af0b53d4dc0c-fM2vuVbJ.mp4 If text-stroke-color is not set default to color Add `text-stroke <length> <color>` shorthand NetRead.ReadObject: read floats correctly Fix tools_sprite properly instead of a workaround, fixes rendering them in material editor Fix locale on CQSliderControl Allow static array initializers Account for viewport offset for glass refraction Add emission boost slider to glass Added glass zoom, added transparency to glass, improved viewport offset, added glass blur https://files.facepunch.com/ognik/1b3111b1/2021-10-23_47-35-9fb418c6-5735-4570-a124-9c535f6056a2-jGHbEtdN.mp4 Don't blur out the glass color Fix crash when trying to reload surface assets when there's no physics world Only trigger warning once if we are using an unsupported VR controller Refactor shaders to fix VR Fix typo Add opaqueness slider to glass, opacity scale now works, hide framebuffer in tool view Ability to add a dirt/overlay to glass Adjust timeout limit for shader ci job low wooden fence - ao fix and collision fix Merge branch 'master' of sbox Allow color/model tint to work in glass Add SceneObject.WantsFrameBufferCopy Added documentation for SceneObj.WantsFrameBufferCopy FGDTypeAttribute can now provide choices to fgd properties Attribute suffix for ModelDoc attributes security shutters - changed painted roller curtain to reduce visual noise on mask Merge branch 'master' of sbox Fix recent changes Add PhysicsGroup.Bodies and PhysicsWorld.Bodies Add PhysicsGroup.Joints and PhysicsBody.Shapes Compile tools_encode_environment_map.vfx security shutter - removed edge bevel on sides - added back faces to curtain rather than backface shader Merge branch 'master' of sbox Security shutter - fixed painted skin having wrong metal map assigned Compile shaders hammer is complaining about Make ParticleAttachment public Hammer.Skip works for enum fields Engine's string to particleattachment type supports string numbers Model.GetData<>() supports deserializing to enums ModelParticle class uses ParticleAttachment enum Merge ModelDoc.ListAttribute into ModelDoc.GenericGameData, and rename it to ModelDoc.GameData Demote Model.TryToGetData()'s error to a warning Update base_modeldata.fgd wooden fences - possible fix for player shape getting stuck on edge of col shape Merge branch 'master' of sbox Add timeout-minutes to the core job descriptor as well Set TransmitType.Always in GameBase Fix newlines rendering as a square in dropshadows security shutter- fixed tiling not working Merge branch 'master' of sbox Merge pull request #75 from Facepunch/modeldoc-fgdgen Basic FGD Autogen for ModelDoc Update base.fgd Cleanup FGDWriter Make Hammer.Skip for entities not inherited ModelDoc: Proper previews for compiled GenericGameData nodes Fix shaders Add Package.CanEdit Multiline TextEntry Can change game's name and description Tweak TextEntry up/down when multiline Introduce TextureBuilder.WithUAVBinding() Allows compute shaders to use textures Dont automatically set vr_multiview_instancing and disable forcing it off Fix Texture3D, TextureArray and TextureCube not actually being their respective texture types Fixed a minor issue with ModelDoc GameData previews CMapListService no longer returns _bakeresourcecache.vpks in the list Fixes _bakeresourcecache files appearing in ModelDoc's preview map selector, possibly other places too Flag old envmap indices as unused [DONT MERGE] Update construct wihtout water model to test new water rendering Initial water work Initial work for watersplash compute shader Hardware Tessellation Added wave amplitude, geometry shader waves Don't bother calculating vPositionPs We do it in the GS, no point wasting time with it Initial work for distance based tessellation Remove the need of a geometry shader, use domain shader instead Allow the use of textures in compute shaders https://files.facepunch.com/ognik/1b2911b1/2021-10-17_32-59-e228ef3e-d07c-4346-9202-74b54fc59800-xJLVQ6PQ.mp4 Don't copy strong handle Preliminary support for custom constbuffers Don't get an input layout for compute shaders Merge branch 'h2o' of sbox into h2o