2 Years Ago
Whitelist RuntimeHelpers.EnsureSufficientExecutionStack BaseTrigger handles touching entities properly when Enabling/Disabling Fixes sbox-issues/issues/1255 Add support for drawing capsules in tool render utils. Support drawing of capsule hitboxes in CToolSceneHitBoxes Make Model.GetJson internal Added Model.GetAllData<T>() Prevent Surface being able to have itself as the base surface Fixed GlassShard.CalculateArea not working on client func_shatterglass: Added ability to change material when the glass breaks Industrial strip light and fixing point- lod0 Merge branch 'master' of sbox Ability to render scenes with an orthographic camera `scene = Add.ScenePanel( SceneWorld.Current, CamPos, Rotation.From( CamAngles ), 45, true );` Fix duck, flashlight and slots for controllers Simplify glowstate names Use HDR buffer for bWantsFBCopyTexture Hammer: Offset drop targets by bounds for better placement https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0311b1/3byFPizZvI.mp4 Mark simple liquid as a non dev shader Setup fake lag config values on game server init so they take effect after server restart industrial strip light and fixture - rotated to point upwards and fixed self ilum Merge branch 'master' of sbox Remove non existent projects from groups.vgc InteropGen: Adjust ArgDefinedClass for Resource Handles when the arg is not a return Added Model.ToString to include the model path Flush model game data node cache on model recompile Fixed Prop trying to get model game data of NULL model when its model is recompiled Fixed ModelDoc GameData nodes without properties not deserializing correctly industrial strip light - material group tweaks industrial strip light - updated model for material tweak industrial strip light - adjusted emissive values Merge branch 'master' of sbox ModelEntity.SetMaterial Make the API more clear as this is something people always happen to ask and unable to find Introduce GSMaxVertexCount, CreateSampler as well as common texture attributes Make AssertX messages more clear Change SetMaterial to SetMaterialOverride to keep it consistent with SceneObject Merge branch 'master' into h2ostaging