DisplayInfo handles passing nulls
EntityRegistry runs tool events when entity added/removed
DataModel LayoutChanged
Added TreeView.UniformRowHeights
Initialize ModelIndex to -1 properly
Add managed QRectF to make interop things simpler
Add Assert.False
Paint.DrawText returns size rect
Implement our own ItemDelegate in c#
Painter SetFont, MeasureText
Add Painter.DrawMaterialIcon
Cleaned out unused tree shit
Add TextFlag for painting text (replaces/swallows Alignment)
PaneList restored
EntityList restored
Allow DataValueNode to be implemented using events
Entity list cleanup
Tree sorting and filtering tests
Option toggle callback
Entity list filtering, sort by age
Toolbar AddWidget, SetIconSize
Filter entities by string
Call entity.changed in tools context when dormant status changes
Added Rect Expand( x, y )
Don't call Dormant change callbacks if it didn't change
Don't create dockWidget if we have one
Label can use DataBind
Move Inspector code to addon
Inspector tweaks
Remove placeholder tabs in editor
qt update
Show inspector and entity list by default, maximize editor window by default