2 Years Ago
Added PlaceVolumeAction for undoable/redoable volume placement Added RemoveEntityAction for undoable/redoable removal of entities Add EditorEntityLibraryAttribute.VolumeMaterial and IsVolume Update place_block.vmat to use TintColor instead of GhostColor Update sbox-voxels submodule Update LobbyState to only wait for VoxelWorld to initialize, not for spawnpoints and prevent task cancelled exception Update MoveToSpawnpoint to handle PlayerSpawnpoint entities added to voxel worlds Setup collisions with AABB for PlayerSpawnpoint but only when in editor mode Added BaseTrigger and KillTrigger which implement ISourceEntity and IVolumeEntity for use with voxel worlds Added VolumeEntity render entity type to display in editor mode Can now place and remove volumes such as triggers for voxel worlds Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars