2 Years Ago
Add shader asset type and empty resource compiler for it Allow vfx and hlsl as assets on IgnoreNewPossibleAssetFile Make HVfx be HShader, start adding shader handle from C# side Fix perspective on ui shader Iterate on shaders as assets Get boilerplate for managed asset compile Add used shader as material dependency Don't use error.vfx if we are not on tools mode (Issue 415) Don't do Shader assets on C++, it's awful Remove TryManagedCompile Cleanup GameResource and Resource, let GameResource handle it's loading rather than Asset, let managed core Resourced be created Get target resource type from asset Gameresource load doesn't need to be templated, still needs cleanup Make CustomResource for internal managed resources that use custom decoding And shader uses CustomResource instead of GameResource Split GameResource to be a child of CustomResource, remove Shader assettype since it's all managed Start work for child hlsl include files to recompile parents that use it Add stub custom load methods for shader ManagedResource is a better name Remove MET shader browser, let's make it sexy using asset system and our UI Make MET use our sexy asset picker https://i.imgur.com/Mzzmynk.png Strip extension from file to avoid bullshit, make shaders load from absolute path properly from MET Make MET hints and shader select button intuitive https://i.imgur.com/BgHsRKI.png