1 Year Ago
Experimental / PoC Limit stored custom inputs to a maximum of 256, removing older entries as new ones are added Added ButtonState intended for use with [ClientInput] Use TypeDescription to fetch property for [ClientInput] Add extensions for reading/writing Transform Add Transform.Read and Transform.Write Add support for Transform to [ClientInput] Added ButtonState.Pressed and ButtonState.Released with docs Fixed compile error from copy paste 🥴 Make ButtonState a struct again but add a method `Set` so it doesn't need to be a class for the property Revert "Make ButtonState a struct again but add a method `Set` so it doesn't need to be a class for the property" This reverts commit 6d29a14ea85614a2c91c8f670f73e5ebb30e60cf. Fixed IsDown / WasDown and also Pressed / Released being swapped Delta values for some stuff (only send stuff that changed since last cmd) Tidy up + add ManagedInputs Rename to PawnInput Just use TypeLibrary as its cached anyway Add comments + use TypeLibrary Add HasAttribute<T>() Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Don't add const to ArgPointer if asref is specified Rid of CUtlVectorByte in favor of direct byte arrays Make ButtonState a struct with implicit bool conversion Write dynamic assembly hash to managed input message. Check hashes match when deserializing, if they don't skip that input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Prepare to move a bunch of stuff from user cmd to managed. Clear out eye angle stuff Start stripping out stuff that'll need implementing on pawn Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Match structs Input.LookDelta and Input.MoveDelta analog inputs + copy PawnInput props in MimicBot from target client Update (obsolete) player and controller examples to use the managed input / pawn inputs Try stripping out InputBuilder and see how it feels... Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Some extra docs + rename PawnInput to ClientInput Remove redundant inputs. Reverse yaw for bots Some additional documentation Move MimicBot to base addon Write -1 if entity is null Add ActiveChildInput and ensure children get added to Inventory on ClientSpawn so they match Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Can pass RenderAttributes into VertexBuffer.Draw Avoid conflicts Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Add Tony's change for always record voice in VR Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Remove code I added that wasn't needed Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge in Matt's Input.Pressed fix for when FPS is lower than tick rate Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Make sure StopProcessing is reset in Input.Process so that it isn't remembered next time Ensure InputDirection client input is consistently set to Input.AnalogMove for parity with old system Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Support extra types Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Early out if no managed inputs to write Additional types Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge fixes incompatible Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/custom-client-input' protocol++ Remove obsolete