2 Years Ago
Add -noamsi command line parameter for testing Implemented a simple assembly resolver for Tools Allows hotload to make more valid substitutions Cleanup Failing hotload tests for lambdas in static constructors Fixed finding scope method ordinals of static constructors Stop expecting every method to have a scope ordinal Fixed IsMatchingType(typeRef, type) with nested types Fixed ResolveMethod() with a static constructor ref Fix upgrading lambda display class instances that are found in the wild GetNewType consistency Now returns null to mean a substitution couldn't be found Added failing generic delegate test Organised and documented delegate hotloading tests Fixed AreEqualTypes when exactly one param is null AreEquivalentTypes(old, new) refactor Fixed finding substitutions for generic parameters Only add events on retail Don't hotload/etc compiled assemblies that we've already hotloaded Client only reload assemblies that have changed No need to re-verify assemblies that we've already verified Parallel thread .cs reads Cleaner Generators Clean compilegroup/compiler thread stuff Entity.FindByIndex<T> just return null if can't cast to right type Fix test TypeLibrary hunch speedups Don't do GC during server addon loading Include editor sounds so everyone gets annoying compile sounds Hotload manager use its own logger Include compiled shaders on server Disable AC optimization (it's not filling the resolver in propertly) Fix package selector property not saving or updating Don't pass #local packages to GameSupport optimized shader build Fix crash when fetching object bounds too early Fix water reflections renderbounds so it doesn't take the size of the entire map Switch @visibility to @internal - because afaik it's the only visibility that makes sense + add unit tests Merge branch 'master' into iteration-speed-sucks Order the syntaxtrees before giving them to the compiler, because hotloading is going to want the names of things to be as close as deterministic as possible Fix compile notifications popping up on boot Fix compile notifications appearing on the top left of the screen for no reason Not using it, but can at least fix SetWindowNoActivate Merge pull request #688 from Facepunch/iteration-speed-sucks Speed up code iteration time Merge branch 'master' into rubat-pain-day-3 Fix some XML comment warnings Hide Sandbox.JointMotion - unused enum Move Sandbox.VideoDisplayMode to Sandbox.DataModel Move Sandbox.CompilerSettings to Sandbox.DataModel Move EditorAttribute/HideInEditor/MinMax/EditorModel to Editor namespace Move Sandbox.ModelEditor to Editor namespace Sandbox.ModelEditor => Editor.ModelEditor Sandbox.ModelEditor.Internal => Editor.Internal Sandbox.ModelEditor.Nodes => Sandbox.ModelEditorNodes Rename Editor.MapEdiitor.Sphere to Editor.MapEdiitor.RadiusSphere Avoids conflicts with ModelEditor.Sphere