1 Year Ago
Optimize some points (#1609) * pairs -> ipairs in places where the table is only a numeric orderly table * new vector -> modify vector Thanks ExtReMLapin * micro oprimization * string.Implode -> table.concat * string.Implode to concatenate * string.Implode -> table.concat * micro optimize ScrW, ScrH calc * a little better readability Okay, it's gonna be like this. * revert -> table.concat * some changes * resolving confict * resolve confict * resolve confict * Fix unresolved * Localized children table and little changes One self.ChildNodes:GetChildren() call to locale using a cheap method of calculating the length of a serial array * Resolve confict * Using the usual numerical for There is no need to spend time on comparison every time, when you can just walk through the cycle to the penultimate element and say that it is not the last one, and then take the last element from the table and tell it that it is the last one. * Let's not create new vectors to create a box. * Added the math.ceil that has been lost in past changes. * A more readable MakeNiceName (#3) * A more readable MakeNiceName * Use string library instead of string methods * Performance Enhancements Co-authored-by: JarosLucky <snyashka@gmail.com> * Fix extra "end" in outputs.lua * Remove useless changes * Fix usage of non existent function Co-authored-by: CornerPin <cornerpinart@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Rubat <3299036+robotboy655@users.noreply.github.com>