2 Years Ago
hlsl_parser: strip D3D9 const defs hlsl_parser: remove d3d9 and opengl register allocation modes, remove glsl wrappers rendersystemvulkan: add missing debug utils check initialize these hlsl string variables so dxc likes them fix vulkan shader errors vfx_vulkan: baseline compiler using dxc and spirv-reflect, no glslang shit, still using legacy d3d preprocess Use DXC shader names MainVs, MainPs etc in vulkan pipeline rendersystemvulkan: remove VK_EXT_debug_report completely to remove confusion with VK_EXT_debug_utils vfx_vulkan: serialize reflection info in compiled shader Update descriptor set bindings for HLSL -> SPIR-V Update Vulkan SDK + Volk so we can have VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library volk.c: restore valve platform defines fix rendersystemvulkan requiring raytracing extension Hidden uav counters work on pixel shaders Update descriptor sets for new descriptor types & binding offsets from hlsl->spirv rendercontexts set associated thread index from RenderSystem_GetThreadIndex() instead of Plat_GetThreadIndex(), this avoids counting non-rendering threads keeping us well within our MaxDeviceAccessThreads Cleanup, small fixes, kill some dead code vulkan_async_descriptors Yank away solidcolor, seems only old glow used it Fix warnings and errors in vfx compilation for vulkan Fix projected_decals crashing shader compiler Discard packoffset conflicts on vulkan, we don't care about code path, fix conficts on convolve envmap Haha it'd be helpful if we actually call this method that sets all the shader param data. Now samplers actually get bound and we're rendering Forgot to commit this amongst debug crap Remove generate_decal_normals If we didn't find error shader don't bother trying to find a fallback you wouldn't get, just remove the layer, allows us to compile shaders from scratch with everything removed Don't use d3dcompiler helpers on vulkan DXC compiler, fix hlsl processor handling of include files Temp fix DXC not interpreting ShadingModel interface correctly [debug] disable fast descriptor set updates, much easier to debug shit that isn't being bound properly spirv-tools, spvremapper libs compiled to work with source 2 vfx_vulkan: post process with spirv-opt, need to do reflection after dead code removal otherwise materialsystem will try to bind invalid buffers stub out old vrad3 gpu code erroring from new vulkan headers backport new vulkan memory manager with support for BDA materialsystem2 support for BDA vfx_vulkan: add $Globals rewriting (without BDA), binding shifts after postprocess [temp] don't deal with instancing on SboxVertex for now, need some additional code around input layouts reenable fast extension for descriptor updates now that everything is binding properly vfx_dx11: fix compile errors with fxc shader compiler