Update Vulkan SDK + Volk
Stub old vrad3-gpu, incompatible from using beta vk headers
rendersystemvulkan: fix raytracing being required, remove VK_EXT_debug_report for VK_EXT_debug_utils
vfx_vulkan HLSL compiler using dxc and spirv-tools; rendersystem_vulkan support for how dxc does $Globals / register offsets
Sam's shader changes, need to review; shouldn't need to change this much probbly hiding issues with vfx_vulkan
Yank away solidcolor, seems only old glow used it
Fix warnings and errors in vfx compilation for vulkan
Fix projected_decals crashing shader compiler
Discard packoffset conflicts on vulkan, we don't care about code path, fix conficts on convolve envmap
Remove generate_decal_normals
Temp fix DXC not interpreting ShadingModel interface correctly
vfx_vulkan: compatability with shadergraph
vfxcompile: display shader compile time in ms
[hack] don't deal with instancing on SboxVertex for now, need some additional code around input layouts
[hack] manually adjusting some vs register offsets to get shit working