1 Year Ago
Sphere light prototype Tube light prototype Data structures for light shapes Add CapsuleLightEntity, pass extra light parameters properly Do custom NdotL computation for capsule lights Volumetric light for vrad Cleanup Indexed baked light support for area lights light_capsule editor model Fix bounds of baked lights and don't cast rasterized shadows if light is an area light added light rect editor icon https://files.facepunch.com/louie/1b1611b1/sbox-dev_txMYDqSXVV.png Disc Light prototype Area light dynamic volumetric fog support Rectangular lights, cleanup More cleanup, keep both disc and rect paths, baked light support for rects Remove old now-unused ComputeDirectLighting_SingleLightFastPath and refactor DoLightShape, changes on dynamic volumetric fog Separate diffuse and specular rays for rects, get it working nicely on volumetric fog too Only light the front of the light_rect on vrad Clamp L of rect and sphere so that it can intersect ground Fix specular on indexed lights Add tiled rendering tools debug vis mode Fix baked rect lights dot product eating what's behind it and leaving it black Tiled Rendering for area lights