1 Year Ago
WIP: ShaderGraph Comments (#907) * WIP Shader Graph Comments (some funky QT stuff going on though with GraphicsItem?) https://files.facepunch.com/conna/1b2211b1/sbox-dev_hfZT4FhruD.mp4 * Add select color choices for comments * Add description field too for tooltips * Jiggle position and reset each update to force a redraw and update hitbox (temp) * Snap to grid on resize * Let static RPCs be nested in other static classes * WIP Shader Graph Comments (some funky QT stuff going on though with GraphicsItem?) https://files.facepunch.com/conna/1b2211b1/sbox-dev_hfZT4FhruD.mp4 * Add select color choices for comments * Add description field too for tooltips * Jiggle position and reset each update to force a redraw and update hitbox (temp) * Snap to grid on resize * Call PrepareGeometryChange when resizing * Hide Comment Node, add seperate Add Comment option always on top * Update colors + add new one * Show description inside the box * Selecting a comment normally will automatically select any nodes inside of its bounds * Better selection handling for nodes inside * Added layla's resize stuff + KISS approach to selecting children. click the box selects whats inside. * Comments take priority for Property display * Deselect current nodes when pressing on comment if not already selected * Use LeftMouseButton instead coz it exists and it's nicer * Always keep inner nodes selected (check last mouse down) * Remove drag indicator from comment as not needed now * Comment UI tooltip updates when title/desc changed * When dragging a comment node on top of another comment node, alter its z index so its on top of that one * Greatly increase the max comment node size * Fix layering * Better layer system + normalize layers * Can just drag a comment node to select and drag its contents too. Double click a comment node to select only the node itself