1 Year Ago
Use PackageReference for referencing packages, References for referencing assemblies The fuzzy search in FindCompilerByName was getting messy, so that's replaced with FindCompilerByAssemblyName / FindCompilerByPackageName. Also this fixes changed library packages not marking dependent compilers for recompile (#956) Fixed test passing for the wrong reason Rename Compiler.PackageReference to PackageReferences Don't fast hotload if a referenced assembly has changed More assembly / package reference strictness Made generic method resolving / comparing stricter We need to re-resolve all member references in fast-hotloaded methods This fixes references to types from fast-hotloaded referenced assemblies More precise logic when deciding if a referencing assembly can be fast-hotloaded Constructor resolution regression fix Some cleanup in ILGeneratorExtensions Hotload.GetMethods helper now matches name Access control now caches assembly definitions by name + version Fixes issues where hotload requires a specific old version Assert that the correct assembly definition version is resolved Keep exactly the outgoing assembly definition cached, but dispose older versions Clean up AccessControl.Resolve a bit WIP referencing fast-hotloaded assembly fix Fixed unloading IsolatedAssemblyContexts during fast hotload In a fast hotload, DON'T unload outgoing, but DO unload incoming after the fast hotload Remove some logging Fix menu breaking after hotload WIP force-reload assemblies that depend on a changed package Allow resolving newer assembly versions PackageLoader.LoadAssemblyFromPackage cleanup Only force an assembly reload if dependent package did a full hotload Fix exception in ContextTools.DetermineContext in fast hotloaded methods Init TypeLibrary in TestUI.Panels.PanelTests Description codegen: just allow multiple [Description] instead of being non-deterministic Partial class declarations were being handled by the first worker to process them, which generated code non-deterministically. This meant fast-hotload would often detect changes it couldn't handle when doing syntax tree comparisons.