11 Months Ago
Deleted old marching cubes stuff Added 3D SDF primitives Some 2D refactoring Tabify WorldQuality refactor to support 3D worlds Abstracted out SdfArray from Sdf2DArray Implemented Sdf3DArray Added Sdf3DVolume resource Big abstracting refactor Mining demo renaming SDF materials to layers Sdf3D Array, Chunk, World, stubbed MeshWriter Sdf3DMeshWriter structs and enums Break up MeshWriter classes, basic example for generated 3D cases 3D cases code gen boilerplate First pass at finding edge loops Generate code for adding triangles Fixed degenerate triangles Fleshed out the rest of Sdf3DMeshWriter Flipped triangles Updated blobtool Fixed some bugs with generated vertices Mesh generation is multithreaded again Smoother normals Sdf modification methods are now async Allow synchronous modifications too Some thread safety, including copy samples before generating mesh Use a lower resolution collision volume Limit how much work is done on the main thread each tick Fixed garbled triangles when subtracting Fixed subtract just lasering in a straight line