11 Months Ago
New rendersystemvulkan & vfx_vulkan [hack] don't deal with instancing on SboxVertex for now, need some additional code around input layouts Tag rendersystem for Sentry Use compute shader for bloom on Vulkan & fix uav barriers [?] My last few questionable shader fixes I need to go over Recompile all core shaders (spv only) Compiled base shaders (spirv only) [breaking change?] Pack light type in extra light data and make it all align in 128 bits for dxc [?] Fix water on vulkan This should be the proper fix for extra light data, add padding to struct for Vulkan only so we don't break DX11 Messy code, but need to test if the alignment works first Latest core shaders (spirv only oops) with hopefully correct light cbuffer padding Make sure we're compiling DXBC + SPIRV (unless opted out) Revert all that shit, it aligns just fine in the first place 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫