11 Months Ago
Remove all hacks we had for a second shadow atlas for viewmodel shadows Sharp viewmodel shadows prototype, remove last references to viewmodel atlas Mixed lights support viewmodel shadows, recalculate frustum to always focus on the best alignment for the viewmodel bbox so it always stays sharp https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1118902360970899456/1119228713591132230/sbox_0031.mp4 SSAO test for viewmodel Fix dynamic ambient occlusion not being applied for CalculateDiffuseAmbientOcclusion Try a few more AO techniques Composite viewmodel AO, and this should be the right way to do HBAO Remove nonsense resolution scale stuff in common.fxc that's unreferenced in code and causing problems (defined before system.fxc wtf) Allow compute on renderpipeline to do multiple dispatches, HBAO as compute,HBAO bilateral blur