9 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Use .source2/temp folder that is actually mounted instead of absolute path shaders, these go properly through the ShaderTypeManager and get the right offsets then Can compile Vulkan shaders on shadergraph / shaderhook now without crashes on DX11 🤯 StartScreen is no longer modal Cap IdentEdit to 16 chars Split out Explorer into 3 tabs now that our docking doesn't suck Draw active project at top of Project tab Shadergraph: only compile preview shader for the current render API Be more lenient on light direction validation mask for directional AO, make sure that aoproxies don't clip through citizen's arms Directional AO can use more steps now that it's cheaper Don't release jump list object unless it's succeeded (should fix crashes on Proton and maybe weird Windows setups), release another thing too Only call UpdateShadow for physics body if we have a shadow controller, physics body scale is getting stomped Max 32 chars for ident edit, don't show sandbox gamemode twice Add icons for all file menu items Add "Open in Editor" context menu option to ProjectRow, shows up for library/tools/addon projects Make StartScreen a BaseWindow, add HasMaximizeButton Add modal package selector to main menu, use `Game.Overlay.ShowPackageSelector( query, onSelect )` https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b1811b1/sbox_0pbOdyXzXM.mp4 Don't clean up Release path when running processor codegen shit, fixes razor gen when testing release builds Revert "Don't clean up Release path when running processor codegen shit, fixes razor gen when testing release builds" This reverts commit 738d6ef11f5591743600177ff476b7d5138f9741. Trace.RunAll() - return empty array instead of null for no results Fix copying text throwing exception Use s&box logo as window icon for welcome screen 👋 Don't spam Draw: No Material Mode? from RenderTools::Draw, it's valid for there to be no valid mode when you're under tool vis modes Fix crash when dragging cloud models quickly in/out of MapView Support bodygroups for citizen skins .addon becomes .sbproj (auto renames), editor creates file association, rework -project make it simpler https://files.facepunch.com/matt/1b1911b1/explorer_Os0Tf2Y8l7.png All the stuff I just missed with .addon -> .sbproj, can still add inactive .addon and have it rename, don't do -project content projects as if they're games Merge branch 'master' into gamemenu-input