9 Months Ago
Update items and translations Update auth implementation for nexus (was outdated) Fix incorrect dependency versions Fix nexus info not loading for server groups immediately Show nexus zone name for zone servers instead of the server name Show nexus logo image instead of individual server logos Show nexus zone names instead of server hostnames when viewing a nexus zone's server Don't put the server header image under the header bar anymore (might need a pass on this lewis) Don't show all clan members on the clan overview screen Only show the 'all clan members' button if the overview screen doesn't show all already Styling work on the nexus side of the server switcher Toggling notifications for a server will toggle the entire server group so it should be in sync with all the nexus servers Automatically turn on notifications for all servers in the group when pairing a server in the app Hide all the nexus zone servers if the current server isn't one of them Tapping on the nexus will set the current server to the one the player is assigned to Fix errors while pairing a nexus Make tapping a clan notification switch to the clan tab for that server Loading indicator for clan page instead of just claiming the player isn't in a clan until it loads Show error message on clan page instead of saying there's no clan Add a new 'not supported' error message for features the paired server doesn't support yet Update translations and items Enable clans in all builds Version bump Only enable clans in staging builds Merge branch 'master' into release