1 Year Ago

C# entity definitions for env_cubemap_box (do box first, env_cubemap is the same but with a sphere influence)
Remove env_cubemap_box from fgd
Network tables for env_cubemap_box
Create SceneCubemap from entity properties
Add indoor_outdoor_level (priority)
Add internal BakeResourceAttribute until we can phase out tool objects and the bake resource shit
Experiment with rendering cubemaps for SceneCubemaps
Set renderToCubemap and environmentMaps pipeline attributes from camera attributes
CCameraRenderer::RenderToTexture uses msaa value from attributes
Fix dstStride in GetPixels
Move the important parts of ggxcubemapblurhelper to rendertools until we can reasonably do this in C#
After source cubemap is created, go through render tools to mip it to the cubemap array
Add function to render tools to copy texture to cubemap slice
Calculate radiance SH from cubemap source, reads texture pixels until we can move this to compute shader
Get the size of texture when calculating SH, don't assume 256
Bump up cubemap camera zfar
Create env map constant buffer
SceneCubemap sets box projection and influence radius based on projection mode
C# env_cubemap, mostly the same as env_cubemap_box, use a base cubemap entity
Remove env_cubemap from fgd
Remove render_depth_map and always_check_depth, I don't see these being set or used in any meaningful way
Load cubemap_feathering
Rip out WorldRenderer/EnvironmentMapCacheSize, we didn't have it enabled and it's awful anyway
Remove UploadToCubemapArray
Remove the cube cross stuff on cubemap builder, just to make things more clear
Remove ggx_cubemap_blur_accumulation_pass_count - unused
Remove depthmaptexture
Remove customcubemaptexture bool
Fix flipping when copying texture with shaders
Flip Y when copying rendered view to cubemap
Use the same rendering code as cubemap build system to narrow down differences
update convolve_environment_map to latest
Remove build cubemaps game system, don't need you anymore
Remove hammer external helper
Move cubemap building to scenesystem
Don't need to include these
Queue scene object update job for calculating radiance SH
Don't use RGBA32323232F unnecessarily
Increase zfar
Create scenecubemap even if the entity doesn't have a texture, they're gonna be built on map load
Remove "build cubemaps on load" hammer shite
Remove minimap shit while I'm at it
env_light_probe_volume in C#
default values
If we create light probe from managed, create a debug grid object for it
Add more voxel size choices
C# env_combined_light_probe_volume, this is an ugly copy paste job because of it trying to be 2 entities in one, wont matter when we get rid of them
Delete lights.fgd, nothing left in here now
Use black cube for envmap if we try to calculate SH on error texture
Remove ReloadTexture from scene cubemap, no longer needed
Delete native CEnvCombinedLightProbeVolume and CEnvLightProbeVolume
Fix basic_setup.vmap properties of combined light probe
Move basecubemap toolobject from game to mapdoclib
Remove base light probe usage from light query game system, this whole system will need to be remade anyway
Move base light probe from game to mapdoclib
Delete env_lightprobevolume
Remove anything unused from cubemap.h
Use EnvironmentMapFaceSize when rendering cubemaps to play it safe
Remove cubemapfaceinfo
Make voxel_size a float instead of enum to avoid parsing errors
Fix handshake and array index not working, entity properties can't be internal!
Move cubemap building from scenesystem to sceneutils, makes more sense
Don't build cubemaps when cubemap texture is user provided
Add min max for voxel_size
Build cubemaps in rendering world session frame boundary until we find a better place for it
Print timings for building cubemaps
Show the number of cubemaps built
Build dirty cubemaps from OnClientOutput instead of OnFrameBoundary
Render cubemaps by adding views and procedural layers
Calculate bounds outside of CalculateNormalizationSH, dumb and also can't set scene object bounds during render
Build 1 cubemap per frame for now, render thread getting overwhelmed?
Don't need to use MarkRenderTargetRead
Sort envmaps by array index before sorting by priority otherwise priority can fail!!!
Fix depth count for array texture, doesn't need to be * 6
Removed renderToCubemap and environmentMaps on camera renderer, not needed for this branch
Remove changes to CCameraRenderer::RenderToTexture, not needed for this branch
Move cubemap building to buildcubemaps.cpp so it's all in one place