7 Months Ago
Revert "Don't add hulls and meshes to aggregate if they fail to build (old data)" This reverts commit 54d7102f39ce1aca8dde5f84c4cb91070f953eb2. Revert "Abstract physics hull" This reverts commit 592ef2bbb12f7cb633735b58c7ff5f594c292715. Revert "Allow BVH to have optional material indices" This reverts commit 6ba259ea8f0271d3f59e7b138a07f691cc918c6f. Revert "Move CPhysicsMesh and CPhysicsHull to their own files" This reverts commit 9c6ca449f38b72260189f2dc093aa4325b96fee6. Revert "Abstract physics mesh, phase out RnMesh_t but keep around for loading old collision data" This reverts commit 883b63ad78c97bd879a9f64e14551ff13bebca5f. Revert "Start trying to phase out RnHull and RnMesh" This reverts commit 71878031f158215d4f40a4f1dc913827824394ba. Revert "Remove bullshit from RnHull and RnMesh to see if still loads and how" This reverts commit 288df9621dd0c6cb6de3e35b958cecc4cb267102. Try pointing hull resource pointers to rubikon data, much easier if works Resource pointer needs to use intptr_t Add a hull deep clone Cherry picked SAT fixes in library