6 Months Ago
HasAttribute non generic CustomEditorAttribute has WithAllAttributes property Name the bodygroups in citizen Add Model.BodyParts, obsolete all the old accessors Add BodyPart.BoneName ControlWidget supports wide mode Added ControlWidget.ValueHash Add BodyGroupsControlWidget Validate indices are in range in AddCollisionMesh Goalie Gloves Initial goalie gloves model for the football outfit! LODs coming asap Add an random U offset to tiling hotspots UVs football shirt variation Football shirt version of the Standard shirt + scifi armour colour variations Goalie Gloves adjustments + Black Rubber Gloves Also some adjustments to the skinning of the chef shirt! Add CSceneAnimatableObject.SetBindPose More keyvalues binds Disable a ton of anim events (until someone tells me they were using it) Anim event callbacks Add SceneModel.UpdateToBindPose() Add SceneModel.OnFootstepEvent Update FootstepEvent Give citizen foot_L and foot_R attachments back, so footstep events work Fix CUtlString copying crash in animevent_t Add SceneModel.OnGenericEvent Add SceneMode.OnSoundEvent Unmount/Re-mount Vpk After Map Compile (#1309) * Initial commit * Test mount/unmount VPK methods * Remove file extension when passing to Mount/UnmountVPK * Use ChangeExtension instead as apparently this preserves the path... * Fix IsVPKMounted check not working * Fix docs * Use correct log channel * Rename to OnPreCompileFinished + OnPostCompileFinished Add Paint.MeasureText easy mode Speed up PopupWidget fade in Add ITag.SetFrom Transform Json serializable ControlWidget don't fall through OnContextMenu by default Merge branch 'master' into new-physics-merge