9 Months Ago
Initial VR scene for main menu https://files.facepunch.com/alexguthrie/1b2011b1/sbox_pKFaTyqkgq.png Remap worldpanel depth correctly, fixes depth issues Treat worldpanels as layers Render VR menu at 4k, scale down to fit Basic VR world input component, menu works properly https://files.facepunch.com/alexguthrie/1b2511b1/Desktop%202024.06.25%20-%2015.51.37.05.mp4 Update Facepunch.XR to 92bea5f Provide poses for Facepunch.XR submit, prevents jittery and spongey tracking Line hands up better in VR menu scene Quick little test map just so I'm not staring at an orange texture Init package string table before loading menu Main menu panel has background if running in VR Update map, add references (ideally we should be shipping these with the game, but this is easier to iterate with) Update Facepunch.XR to 8839c8e Remove unused InputSource and InputSourceHandle properties on TrackedDevice Make headset a tracked object, means it can appear in Input.VR.TrackedObjects & matches controllers Changes the API without breaking it, e.g.: `var headTransform = Input.VR.Head;` becomes: `var headTransform = Input.VR.HMD.Transform;`