9 Months Ago
Process particles in a GameSystem, all at the same time, to benefit from multithreading DynamicSceneObject can take vertex span instead of one at a time Fix NRE in Collider.RebuildImmediately Fix SoundEvent.GetNextSound random not using the full range of sounds GameObjectSystem metrics Look for eligible types in ResourceControlWidget, so it works with inherited types (resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5609) https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b0211b1/sbox-dev_YJS6hP69DC.png Start pending components before physics step - fixes physics step running before joints are created ByteStream Rewrite (#1610) * Added failing ByteStream stress test * Rewrite ByteStream to use Span / ReadOnlySpan where possible Add basic support for using right CTRL/SHIFT keys for input actions, I didn't include RALT because my keyboard doesn't seem to work with it (resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5506) Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs * Optimization when cloning * Nicer error messages with invalid pure methods (Facepunch/sbox-issues#5743) Fixed Facepunch/sbox-issues#5752 Fix OnComponentUpdate / OnComponentFixedUpdate not running Allow model inspector to preview animations https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0211b1/sbox-dev_fdrQka7PNG.mp4 Dictionary control widgets can't be edited when readonly Hotload: Skip some System.Text.Json types Fix some files (.razor) not opening in code editor from compile status window Simplify scene ref gizmos, fix leak when closing scene Terrain can import splatmap from png, tga, jpg, psd Remove SceneFile.LastSaved, use existing hash check to check for external changes for scenes, much cleaner Add algorithmVersion to vtex crc if GGXCubeMapBlur Increment sky shader version, forces material rebuild, which forces a texture rebuild Restore Toggle Gizmos shortcut (not sure if this was done on purpose) Fix incorrect min max for int AnimParam Add option names to enum AnimParam Package.Type.Gamemode becomes Package.Type.Game Can publish any asset, scene + prefab previewers Published assets can optionally include source files Fix Warnings Fix GetParameterInt and GetParameterFloat not working for ANIMPARAM_ENUM Preview animgraph parameters on model preview https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0311b1/sbox-dev_orVYPmENxI.mp4 Make sure any scene light properties ask native for their value so they can never go out of sync Add binds we'll need for sceneobject serialization Bind light desc so we can create a light directly from desc Merge branch 'master' into reverse-z