7 Months Ago
Stub for shadow class, enumize lightflags Move pixel.raytrace.ssr.hlsl to ScreenSpaceTrace and make it a class, move crap from it to be all shared More adjustments for screenspace shadowing, fix valid hit test always returning true Iteration on screenspace shadows, make screenspace tracing work half res again Rebase fixes Fix screen trace depth function for reverse-z Multi-sampled shadow trace, apply free antialiasing using derivatives of dFdx and dFdy Dont need bend_sss anymore Use bayer directions rather than blue noise for screenspace shadows Use QuadRead to blur value acrosss waves, proper ordering for parameters of ScreenSpace::Trace https://files.facepunch.com/sam/1b1411b1/8ljWk6LsYF.png [Pick] Compile shaders with Vulkan 1.2 ( wave intrinsics support ) Microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler/wiki/Wave-Intrinsics [Pick] Target Vulkan 1.1 instead, certain it won't be an issue unless you have drivers from 2016 3D Bayer Sequence, use perceptual penumbra so it always looks relatively soft and nice instead of aiming for just accuract