14 Days Ago
Fix entities casting light shadows Quests are now claimed manually via the quests tab to get your rewards Added Notification Icons to GameMenuTabs if there's something to do in that tab GameNetworkSystem -> Networking Fix ESC not closing popups in Main/Pause Menu Added SFX/Notification for unlocking Skills Fix disconnecting on server end, ensuring that if anyone stays behind for whatever reason it doesn't override their world with yours. Added Permissions Tab to GameMenu if host. Created OnOffSwitch Panel Fix WorldManager rebuilding the World every frame instead of when when dirty Created PermissionData class, added to WorldData as GlobalPermissions and UserPermissions. Hooked up to PermissionsPanel Implemented all the different permissions, falling back on global permissions when null. Change entity item drops Added more Food Items and Food Crafting Category Added Item Upgrade System, along with different new tiers of Pickaxes