4 Months Ago
Initial Assets have colors Preview tweaks Search widget Asset popup, will turn this into something more tooltip-oriented later Split left / split right Chips from tags Tweak styling, move current project to top of asset locations list Implement chip tag filtering Initial cloud browser, separate from asset browser Initial tabbed asset picker w/ both local and cloud assets Asset type picker Renames, deletes, duplicates handled by IAssetListEntry Clean up Implement `t:vmdl`/`t:vmat`/etc. and filters Implement Everything & Recents Cloud browser uses facets to select type - hide picker on search bar Fix warnings Fix FindItemsThatStartWith Sort recents properly Display "Everything" / "Recents" in address bar when those are active Show asset name if only deleting one asset https://files.facepunch.com/alexguthrie/1b2111b1/sbox-dev_aNrz89mgvo.png Show file name + extension Use project root path as root for asset browser stuff Hide hidden files & folders Icons for assets, code, libraries, exports, localization, projectsettings folders https://files.facepunch.com/alexguthrie/1b2211b1/sbox-dev_vj4aOCIDDr.png Hide .sbox folder Open non-asset files (e.g. .cs files) when double clicked too New generic file context menu (for any non-asset type - .cs, .scss, .razor, etc.) Implement OnContextMenu in FolderNode Navigate to code files using selected code editor should prefer an active / open solution Hide obj/ folder in code directories Add support for drag-dropping assets / folders / etc. Top of asset locations list shows favorites again Favorites -> pins, hide node if it hasn't got any entries, hide obj/ folder in tree view Doesn't refresh properly when going from no entries to some entries yet Docs Fixed searching through everything/recents Show pins in tree when there are some added Rebase fixes Fix warnings