4 Months Ago
Broadcast damage/health FX Re-implement damage numbers Fix dungeon generation lag Add simple death state Dead players respawn on next floor Enemies only target living players Fix networking issues with projectiles Fix shadows not showing proper on connected clients Added Player.Living separate from Player.All, fixed NREs when player is dead Add GameManager.LoadFloor(index) Network item inventory Added GameOver UI which displays when all players are dead Reset enemy aggro target after killing player Fix projectiles checking collisions on all clients Game fully resets when both players Ready Up on the Game Over UI https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/November/12_09-45-BleakGalapagospenguin.png Added Spectator UI when you're dead but other players are still alive https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/November/12_09-58-SpectacularGangesdolphin.png Flag certain objects with `dontdestroy` tag. All objects without this tag are cleaned up upon room generation EndFloorTrigger takes the amount of living players instead of all players Fix NRE when spectating player dies Network some GameManager variables + fixed player reviving issues Damage RPCs Improved Generating Map UI