Main Menu Save Slots now have play/delete buttons instead of the whole thing being a button
Intro Cutscene now has save file state, updated all map thumbnails and made them jpgs
Map Resources can now set an associated Hub World with each stage. Save Data now keeps track of level completion
Quest Resources now have an associated map to track hub progress
Fixed CameraIntro.OnIntroEnd and made it so you can hold E to skip the intro cutscene
Coin count is now serialized with Scene Metadata so we can retrieve from menus.
Pause Menu now shows you quest completion percent for the current area
Fix End Item Screen
Save Slot now shows progress throughout the game, and levels completed
Diving into a Balloon gives you your jump back instead of continuing to send you forward
Made Balloon collisions a bit more fair
Balloons and Crumble Platforms respawn quicker
Checkpoints cannot be re-activated. Meaning you can't accidentally fall back to a previous one and lose progress
Can't use scene triggers if entered a level from the menu
You now only continue to slide from a dive if holding a movement key. Otherwise you come to a stop much quicker
Can now steer the dive (both in-air and on the ground)
Can press the ground pound button while sliding on the ground to instantly cancel the slide