39 Days Ago
Improvements to how delta snapshots are stored. Make sure we apply all snapshots so long as the last processed value for an entry has an older snapshot id. When dragging multiple GameObjects onto a ListControlWidget of Components, get the first component from each GameObject similarly to if we were to drag them each individually. FloatControlWidget keeps the drag delta intact, fixes janky drag on int controls Fixed Cloud Browser @installed tag not being filterable by query Removed unused from InputContext Added net_fakepacketloss ConVar for testing (0-100%). Fixed an issue where if a delta snapshot was received before an object was created on the client-side, it would remember the state wrongly. Fixed an issue with Network Refresh messages where, if arriving late, could overwrite Sync Vars with the wrong values Protocol++ Fix minor error Add test for cloning prefabs that contain a nested prefab instance which has a variable that references the outer prefabs root Bindless lightmaps/Lightmap Combo Removal (#1765) Multiply light cookie rgb by alpha Compile shaders Merge branch 'master' into json-free-clone2