
774 Commits over 457 Days - 0.07cph!

58 Days Ago
Blur test Chat moves into center of screen on ultrawide
58 Days Ago
More scoreboard style tweaks
58 Days Ago
Slimmer padding on scoreboard
58 Days Ago
Basic scoreboard, PlayerScore component
58 Days Ago
Remove log 🙈
59 Days Ago
Make round status slimmer, hide health on enemy players
59 Days Ago
Tighten up player info UI New round state UI, might be too bulky
59 Days Ago
Ultrawide canvas Tweak vitals for consistency, increase effective safe area size
59 Days Ago
Resize input hints & text for consistency
59 Days Ago
Basic placeholder team icons
59 Days Ago
MainHUD cleanup
59 Days Ago
Main HUD has gradient Move ammo into a component Remove vitals background Player role component Centralise main HUD elements (vitals, role, ammo) Remove chat background, contextual input prompts Rebase fixes
59 Days Ago
Prevent reload if weapon ammo is full
59 Days Ago
Remove unused
59 Days Ago
New vitals UI, new UI font & theme (from ui-stash)
59 Days Ago
Network Game_SetUp
59 Days Ago
Make text bold again Chat fixes + team chat
59 Days Ago
Add chat from ui stash branch - hopefully this doesn't fuck anything else up
59 Days Ago
Initial theming Basic vitals (armor not hooked up yet) sexy hud Chat
2 Months Ago
Facepunch.XR works out bounds for us, gives us full render target size separately from eye render target size
2 Months Ago
Cleanup Update example Contain frame state inside a struct, nice and clean TextureSubmitInfo: remove bounds info Better render target size management Wait for fences on every submit
2 Months Ago
Use Facepunch.XR provided logging levels Pass bounds to texture submit info Default IPD (for testing with null driver) Facepunch.XR update
2 Months Ago
Debug callback type Verbose logs Keep track of frame start / end to prevent crashing with XR_ERROR_CALL_ORDER_INVALID Perform vk copy operation as single step on submit Use vk fences for vk copy sync
2 Months Ago
Remove logs Use texture submit x/y as view subrect offset x/y
2 Months Ago
Fetch display info from compositor Submit texture, render loop, etc.
2 Months Ago
Compositor - getters for display info Depth swapchain/texture are completely optional, can be ignored etc Acquire/wait for views inside BeginFrame, save off for Submit XR_EXT_debug_utils support Minor tweaks Remove RequestValidationLayers, m_useValidationLayers - unused Get rid of right eye offset until I figure rendering out completely
2 Months Ago
Move xrWaitFrame into BeginFrame, sync now just calls EndFrame() and BeginFrame()
2 Months Ago
Initial FPXR presentation logic
2 Months Ago
Max 1 second xrWaitSwapchainImage timeout
2 Months Ago
Bundle compositor operations into Sync()
2 Months Ago
Delete all OpenVR files & references, stub out anything that required them fpxr update
2 Months Ago
Load API layers 🙈 This is redundant Platform defines in fpxr.h and fpxr.cpp Section headers Compositor submit - copy app-provided texture data into OpenXR-provided swapchain images
2 Months Ago
fpxr_platform.h no longer required
2 Months Ago
FPXR: Session now handled by Compositor, Instance is now a class
2 Months Ago
Apps need to be able to access vulkan extensions before making vulkan devices etc
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Make all this easier to include in a project, don't include fpxr_platform in fpxr.h
2 Months Ago
Return compositor & event manager by value, clean up
2 Months Ago
Create vulkan transfer queue, command pool, command buffer for copying images across
2 Months Ago
Reduce stack usage Vulkan headers Include headers Restructure (see desc) fpxr::Instance now handles creating a compositor. fpxr::Compositor handles creating an event manager. The idea behind this is that we want to be able to use Vulkan functions to create images, so that we can pass any valid VkImage in from an app and then have FPXR copy it over to the VkImage that OpenXR wants to use, meaning that you don't have to fuck around with passing images and image views to and from OpenXR and your application. We'll manually vkCmdCopyImage at the end of the frame before submitting to OpenXR (i.e. when rendering a layer). ```cpp fpxr::InstanceBuilder instance_builder{}; fpxr::Instance instance = instance_builder.SetAppName("fpxr") .WithGraphicsAPI(fpxr::GraphicsAPI::GRAPHICS_API_HEADLESS) .RequestValidationLayers() .WithDebugMessenger() .Build(); fpxr::Compositor* compositor = instance.Compositor(); fpxr::EventManager* eventManager = compositor->EventManager(); ```
2 Months Ago
Bind fpxr compositor and add everything we should need to start submitting
2 Months Ago
RenderTarget -> Compositor
2 Months Ago
Fetch rendering recommendations from fpxr Remove silly hack hard-coding all our extensions, fetch them properly
2 Months Ago
Don't use outdated nuget packages, let's include & link against the most recent version Re-build swapchains if any part is out of date Pass recommended render target size and refresh rate to user, but let them handle everything Compile with LTCG
2 Months Ago
Macro cleanup, assert views == 2 (until we have reason to support 1 or 4 views)
2 Months Ago
RenderTarget refactor, becomes its own class and manages frame start/end/sync
2 Months Ago
Pass vulkan-related stuff in as structure
2 Months Ago
Shove vulkan-related stuff into its own separate structure
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Hack around extension-related crash for now