1,056 Commits over 183 Days - 0.24cph!
BulletGeneratorAimer shoot randomly when not in range
All players send highscore not just host
Move Key and Coin count on PlayerInfo
Remove old fonts
Scale enemy health by player count
Allow player to change characters from the Game Over screen
PlayerInfo UI tweaks
Fix laser beam not damaging Boss
Add more enemies to Swarm and spawn different enemy pool during boss fight
Nerf laser gun
Fix pickup networking
Make items for other players more obvious
JumpingEnemy should use A* proper
Fix Vampire Item?
Fix LastHurtConnection NREs
Enemies now register their kills on the correct client, granting appropriate score
Enemy + Boss Health scales with Floor
Fix connected clients not clearing their client-side bullets between floors
Remove non-existent shop tiles
Boss now yields score on defeat
Spawn multiple bosses on later loops
Boss has minor death FX
Shop fixes
Reduce frog SFX
Make bat much more fair
Lower End Door Requirement
Update dungeon size scaling
Dead bodies no longer count in End Level Trigger
Another necessary DamageTrigger check
Bunch of misc multiplayer fixes
Lower enemy bullet volume
Minor tweaks
Game Over UI shows you what you were actually killed by
Display "none" when no items collected
More Game Over UI tweaks
Smaller first floor
Implement Score and Leaderboard
Don't get score for Swarm Enemies
Stop spawning swarm enemies after defeating boss
Main Menu cleanup
Can't change character once ready
Title name change?
Added heal sound
Fix PlayerStatEntry warning
Fix PlayerInfo NRE
Broadcast WeaponComponent sounds
Fix Helping Hand item
Fix music not playing for connected clients
Make player iframes more fair
Fix ShadowCreate NRE for late-joiners
Make enemy colliders much more fair/accurate
Oops, use the local sound
Add Music so it feels more like a game
Weapon Sounds + Setup Sound Attenuation on existing sounds
Entity hurt sounds with rising tone + more weapon sound adjustments
Added Player Sounds
Spawn Swarm Enemies during Boss Floor
Update Ogre Boss DamageTrigger
Renamed "Boss Room"s to "End Room"
Added Boss Arena which you go to after 3 floors
Added basic Bouncing Boss
Display Boss Healthbar at the top of the screen
Boss Floor is networked properly
Level End Spawns after defeating boss
Damage Modifiers/Multipliers actually work now lol
Fix Height getting reset by UpdateMovementBobbing()
Added Kangaroo Melee Enemy
Fix all enemies being set to Swarm Enemies
Add DoesContactDamage check instead of disabling the collider since we need collisions otherwise
Forgot to make the spawn chance not 1000
Added Bat and JumpingEnemy class
Added Swarm Timer and Timer UI
Enemies start spawning everywhere after swarm timer
Added `set_game_time` command
Swarm Enemies don't drop coins
Projectiles spawned by swarm enemies can travel between rooms
Added Doors to End Rooms that require you to discover 50% of the dungeon before leaving
Display player count in loadout menu
Rename Gold Key and weigh the Shop Item Chances
Chest is now an interactable instead of just walking into it
Fix bobbing threshold/snapping
Show game controls for first few seconds
Adjust shop price
Updated most item sprites
Added Helping Hand item which grants the player an additional weapon
Update vampire item
Main Menu particles
Fix LobbyMenu BuildHash
Lobby Player Panel UI tweaks
Network Laser Projectiles
Rounded laser weapon
Added Pause Menu
Fix BulletSize implementation and improved Laser Projectile collision
Added Laser Weapon and Character. Laser respects all EntityModifiers
Fix player shadow
Fix more ui alignments with new font
Enemies squirt on fire
More UI + Nametag updates
Fix the bullet damage desync issues when networking
Fix PickupCollector for connected clients
Player healthbar is rounded
Align icons on PlayerInfo
Monkey hand
Clean up Main Menu scene and remove wood bullet
Fix item room floor tiles
Independent bullet wiggle
Fix UI issues
Add 3rd player and weapon
Fix bandage size
Update Key Lock
Smooth damage numbers
Remove font smoothing,
Vitals invincible fix
Fix U Shape Room Tiles
Remove most of the old Textures
Remove most the sprites + add player hurt sprite
Replaced the smoke particle and removed the old sprite/textures
2nd player and 2nd weapon sprite
Replaced pixel font with high res font
Update loading image
Fix minimap with new tile scale
Update bullet sprites
Player Sprites
Updated Tileset
Update Money Pickups
More tileset updates
Coin pickups have different size with their associated value
Update Key/Bandage Sprites
Updated Box + Chest sprites
Updated enemy sprites
Fix enemy sprite issues
Upscale tileset
Make the Generating Map UI look nicer
Use pixel font for damage numbers
Rename minimal.scene -> game.scene
Basic MainMenu with FrontPage
More front page work
Started Lobby Menu
Move GameResources into Roomlite category
Added CharacterResource
Proper Lobby Menu Basis
Lobby Menu shows current character stats and allows you to change characters
Fix minor issue
Game now starts when everyone is ready in the lobby
Hooked up the Main Menu play buttons
Update StartupScene
Associate Icon with WeaponResource, displayed in Lobby menu
Add StartingSpeed to CharacterResource
Add BulletCount to WeaponResource
Player starts with Character's starting weapon
Added Shotgun Weapon
Added shotgun sprite and some other stuff
Start with random character if testing in game scene without starting from lobby menu
Fix player surface reference
Buff Squirt Fire
Fix wiggle bullets
Can't outrun coins when getting sucked in
Controller Support
Fix DamageTrigger logic
Update ShopItem in OnStart for connected client
Suck coins into player
Fix ItemComponent NRE
Fix silly mistake
Player no longer has friction when running against walls
Enemies no longer have friction against walls
Fix players not colliding with enemy bullets lol
Enemy projectiles are now entirely client-side so there's much less load on the host and gameplay is much more fair for each client
Shop items are greyed out if you can't afford them
Speed the player up 1.5x when not in a room with enemies
Replenish item room for number of players
Hide pre-spawned shop doors on the map, revealing once discovered
If a player disconnects, their player gets removed but state is regained when reconnecting (so they dont lose everything)
Fix ShopItem desync for connected clients
Fix item shadows
Force enable player during retake
Don't show dropped players in the list
Fix medkit not healing for connected clients
Fix recoil networking
Projectiles can't leave the room they originated in, and doors block all bullets
Prevent any movement when map is generating
Check if Interactable is valid on ShopItem (should fix NRE when entering new floors)
Added basic chatbox
Basic Voice Chat (no UI)
Expose "Does Restock" as Prefab Variable on Shop Item
Add Locked Door, Shop Rooms have 50% chance to be locked